Bestest Friends Network
Tomorrow is the goth naval battle and I'm going to be soooooo cute.
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin
Actually, if you study the casting carefully, you'll see the spectrum of accents
closely relates to good and evil. With very few exceptions, Americans are good
and British are evil, with Australians and Canadians as lackeys of evil. In
fact, the closer someone is to the Queen's English, the more evil they are.
Conversely, Yoda's brutal rape of the language shows what a powerful force for
good he is. All of the rebels were American actors, while the Deathstar was just
chock-full of Brits. Consider the evolution of Anakin Skywalker: American child,
Canadian adolescent, British adult. Ah, but I can just imagine what you're
thinking -- Darth Vader's voice was American. Clearly, that was intended as a
hint, an indication of his once and and future goodness. You'll notice all of
the other Darths so far have been British. So what about Obi-Wan and C3PO? Their
connection to Darth Vader anglicized them. So what about non-English speakers?
All evil. Jabba the Hutt, obviously, but Chewbacca and the Ewoks? I guess we'll
just have to wait for Episode VII: Attack of the Fuzzy Aliens.
-Chris Wayne
Allowing for time zone differences, it would seem that my grandmother died
almost exactly at the time when you wrote this message. First, your web page
knocked out the power in my neighborhood, now this. I think it's in my best
interest to keep you away from computers.
-Chris Wayne
You finally both agree on something! Hooray! Of course, you are both wrong.
-Chris Wayne (re: Jennifer 'n ghostxxx)
What do you want from me, Sarge? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?
I want you out on the parade ground at 0600, in full dress green uniform. Your
hair WILL be cut in a military fashion. Your shoes WILL be shined. You WILL be
wearing your dog tags. That clear, recruit?
Because I've got nowhere else to go! I've got NOWHERE else to GO!!! ... Wait.
Uhm, actually, that sounds pretty reasonable. Uh, sure. Six it is. Hm. See ya
-Nathan 'n Dr. E 'n Nathan
Personally, I want to see Yoda's brutal rape of the ewoks. Or at the very least,
Yoda's unforgiving Endor Death March.
-Chris Wayne
A friend of my fathers used to travel the country, spreading the word of the
Watts Towers. I got exposed to them early. This was also the guy who used to
wear a fish oven mitt and swim into rooms. Great guy.
-AllonI Kramer
Nathan, I am assuming the thing on the left is a cat, but the thing on the right
kinda looks like a Koala Bear.
-Johnston Reesor
You analyze programmers for a living? Are they cute programmers? I'd like that
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin
Frankly, the sad truth is that I'm simply getting enough sex lately that I
(*gasp!*) don't really have time for porn.
-Nathan Winant
Awww, come on, man. Expiring minds want to know!
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin
I picture Nathan chained in a dungeon somewhere.
You ALWAYS picture me chained in a dungeon.
-AllonI 'n Nathan
Abortions for everyone!
-Chris Wayne
Gravity is no one's friend.
-AllonI Kramer
I was sentenced to death by ingestion of pills containing the ashes of Celine
Dion. Apparently, Celine Dion's ashes are poisonous and will kill you in 24
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin
Which one of you dingbats lives in Japan? Come on, 'fess up.
-AllonI Kramer
It's raining, and I'm listening to bebop! It's practically like living in san
francisco in the fifties!
-Nathan Winant
In addition, sixteen percent of all people in Vancouver are my boyfriend's two
children, 12 percent are his wife, and 4.67 percent is tweed.
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin