






Bestest Friends Network

One of our illustrious congressmen is trying to criminalize video 
games, especially giving them to minors, just the same as alcohol or 
tobacco or porn. I assume there will soon be an approved list of games 
which are Good and Wholesome (TM!), as well as a list of those that 
are Evil and Depraved (TM!), which will be seized by the state and 
burned in the town square.
  -Chris Wayne

That's almost as funny as the Time Magazine article about the victims 
which showed their pictures and a small blurb about each one. One of 
them said "Really liked his mom's pork chops". How pathetic of an 
epitaph is that? Even at 17, I'd hope that my loved ones could think 
of SOMETHING more meaningful than that.
  -Chris Wayne

How fucked up is a society that even has "ordinary neighborhood 
gunshots"? I mean, really, is it just me or should gunshots be so out 
of the ordinary that people actually notice them??
  -Chris Wayne

And what if he evolves while you're not at home? The responsible gun 
owner considers the impact of mutagenic compounds, bizarre genetic 
anomalies, and ambient cosmic rays on their loved ones.
  -Chris Wayne

My cat occasionally dials out on the phone. And she doesn't even have 

Tied you down and put a plastic bag full of pot smoke over your face 
until you were forced to inhale? I hate when that happens.
  -Chris Wayne

Do you honestly believe that every citizen should have access to 
military hardware? I wouldn't trust the average American to use a 
Swiss Army knife safely, much less a surface-to-air missile.
  -Chris Wayne

I garantee that you have more wool pulled over your eyes than I do on 
my back.

I *REALLY* hope this Balkans Crisis results in WWIII
I *REALLY* hope the Y2K bug fucks everything up
I *REALLY* hope that Aliens come down to wipe us out
I *REALLY* hope that Jesus comes back to bring us Justice
because I'm *REALLY* fucking sick and tired of this world and most the 
people in it.
and, I *REALLY* hope it all happens on the same day.
  -Funky J

I can honestly say my job serves the forces of evil. How many of us 
can honestly say that? most of us?  Heh.  That's what I thought.

Alloni is a harsh mistress.
  -Nathan Winant

Josh, you obviously have the brains of a goat.  You're right, Garth, 
it is fun!
  -Alloni Kramer

random insight : Instead of killing students who are jocks and 
heathers, wouldn't it be better to just kill Britney Spears, who 
symbolises jocks and heathers?

"Soylent Green, made from the best stuff on earth -- people!"
  -Nathan Winant

I meant everyone other than you, actually.  Put yourself on the same 
level as Nathan!  Be able to play me like a puppet!  You know you want 
it. Um, not that I'm saying Nathan could play me like a puppet if he 
felt the whim.  He's just, um, well.
  -Alloni Kramer

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to set up crontab entries to shoot 
somebody every x seconds or so?
  -Michael Hale

I dunno. Maybe I'm just too cynical about american society. (I'm NOT 
of course, but it's a nice closing line.)
  -Nathan Winant

Remember, guns spelled backwards is snug!
We were talking about snugdnah.
-Gary 'n Garth The secret underground will overcome. Why it's a secret, I don't know, since everyone knows about it, but it's tradition. -Alloni Kramer That would be a good thing, because The Mall is Evil(tm). -Chris Wayne Uhm... ah... you don't want to do that. There's... no value to confusion. After all, confusion wouldn't be very "logical", now would it? Eh-heh. Heh. Of course not. Go back. Go back to logic. I lied, logic is king. With logic, you will prevail. And The Power Of Love. Logic and The Power Of Love. Logic is neat. Yay, logic! -Nathan Winant I'll grant, for a while we WILL be at the mercy of all those 50-60 year old gangsters, but somehow, I think we'll manage... -Nathan Winant Nobody won and no one's ever going to. -Josh Smith (a moral for our times) A penis is a tool for sex. Sex isn't illegal. -Garth (that's what you think) Did you know your sinuses extend all the way up into your forehead? Did you know that a severe sinusitis infection can trepanate you? -Jonathan Mayer you bored with talk about things which go bang in the night and result in people staggering down dark corridors with their last life essences bleeding out of a severed artery? I'll swallow your soul. -Felix Actually, the theory somebody was pushing on me yesterday is that airbags are designed to kill short people. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Just what this list needed. A smarter Michael Hale. -Jonathan Mayer (Australia is only slightly smaller than continental USA).
Well, uh, it doesn't matter. We're better, and all that. (feels insecure.) (quickly yet discretely measures penis.)
-Felix 'n Jonathan Well, The US does have more people, more money, more guns, more drugs, more entertainment, more entertainers, more sex, more violence, more rock n roll, more corruption, more cars, more lawyers, more houses, more freaks, more land, more texans. Its the land of the mostest. All we have is more cuban cigars. -Felix Must... fight... allure... of... apathy! -Alloni Kramer Suuure, it's always the penguins.. -grey It sure is easy to finally get caught up on the list when you're ignoring four separate threads. -Khanh Nguyen But....but....I thought there was no spoon. -Khanh Nguyen *sniff sniff* It's so beautiful to see that another grown man gets giddy about new toys. Warms me heart. -Khanh Nguyen Wow. Guns for central american imports. How... american. -Nathan Winant I would like to add as a closing statement that Garth is a poopy head, and that Chris Wayne likes to lick sweaty old German men.
He's a damn liar. (Soon, Hans, I'm almost done.) Moreover, I'd like to point out that Nathan is a big fat dodo. *slurp* [ja, mein herr.]
-Nathan 'n Chris Reunite Gondwanaland! "Guns is bad 'cause they kill good people." - Them that doesn't likes guns. "Guns is good 'cause they kill bad people." - Them that likes guns. "Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash Have I missed any viewpoints? -Mark Doner Brilliance! Now you just have to find a top secret military installation. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin An excellent idea. Actually, when I worked in a porn shop, I felt it would be the perfect place for a murder. The sheer bulk of DNA evidence in the average porn shop would keep them busy for years. Or a beauty shop dumpster. Enough hair, nail, and skin there to bring any forensic department to its knees. -Chris Wayne I don't know. I'm not anyone else. Just me, baby. Just me. -Nathan Winant That OK. You _probably_ don't have to apologise for not being sucked up by a tornado. -Felix lemon squaresssssssseeesssssssss. and mochaaaaaaaaaaah. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Thanks grey. That does help to put my mind at ease. Unless.... ...unless you're in on it. Are you grey? You are, aren't you? If you deny it, I'll know it's true. There's no one I can trust. Except people without uteruseses. It's a uterine conspiracy, I just know it. Curse your estrogenical treachery!! -Chris Wayne Are you implying that I'm a mochaholic? Cause I'm not. It's completely under control. And who the hell are you to call me a mochaholic anyway, Mr. I-Just-Spent-$300-On-Wine-When-I-Already-Had-Some? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Relax. There are probably support groups out there. Latte Anonymous or somesuch. -Felix EUGLENA!
"Yes Darling!" she replies while running through the airport in slow motion.
-ghostxxx 'n Jennifer They were probably broken by Godzilla. That damn mutant lizard just keeps on going around breaking things. Just yesterday I heard how Godzilla visited a young Japanese couple for some sushi, when *bang* Mothra appeared and there was a bit of a scuffle. Four city blocks in downtown Osaka were flattened. -Felix Alzheimer's is big comedy..... -Nathan Winant Idiots with swords kill people. Idiots with lead pipes kill people. Idiots with hair dryers kill people (granted, it's usually themselves, but we've got to protect the public). -Josh Smith You do know that you're going to burn in hell for that, of course. But that never stopped us before. -Alloni Kramer Part of my job description is to wander around the shipping dept swinging a baseball bat for two hours every day, without hitting anything. Unfortunately, I'm not so great at that part of my job..... -Nathan Winant No matter. I am the horizontal. I am the vertical. I AM the network. Welcome to The Natrix. -Nathan Winant Oh please, save the naive illusion of surprise. Welcome to the real world, Josh. I'm sorry, but you may find that more than a few politicians are glory-seeking opportunists. Except Charlton Heston. He is the One True Savior. -Nathan Winant You know what I find fascinating about this is the things they're choosing to focus attention on. Guns, computer games, the internet, goths, and black trenchcoats. But I have YET to hear anyone make an issue out of the fact that they supposedly were fond of CHANTING ARYAN YOUTH SLOGANS. What, white face powder and london fog are evil and incited this behavior, but THE NAZI YOUTH are just fine and fuckin' dandy? -Nathan Winant AH yeah. Cute, rich, emotionally disturbed, and 17. Just the way I likes 'em.... =P -Nathan Winant And those nipples are perfect attire for the Kid's choice awards. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Robert Smith is the antichrist and a warmonger. The sullen little dictator. -Nathan Winant You see, Josh, all the great leaders of the world -- truly great leaders, men who stood for greater principles, messiahs if you will -- they're all "nuts". Moses, Jesus, Ghandi, Larry Ellison, myself. It is that psychotic glint in the eye, that detachment from reality, that utterly perverted ego that allows them the freedom and the force of will to BE great. Hallalujah! -Nathan Winant Then join me in my quest to mold society into The Way Things Should Be. Help me reform education, promote peace through violence across the land, reduce the snivelling of all those soft weak americans, radically change the way we all work live and love, put a can of pepper spray into the hands of every man woman and child, and just generally make things Keen! You can be my sidekick. I'll call you "Little Josh". Our vaguely homoerotic adventures will be recorded and retold at renfaires for generations upon generations, and eventually turned into a terrible syndicated television show! WE SHALL BE HEROES!!!! -Nathan Winant I mean, how would *you* like it if you *used to be* the chosen of God. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Hope you don't mind that I'm shamelessly raffling off your body for my own dark, sinister purposes. ... Didn't think so. -Nathan Winant Come on everybody, let's go camping and see the drug raids!!! Who's with me? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin There are people in Wichita? Amazing! The things you learn on the internet. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin has david letterman been shot ? I just thought I'd ask ... -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Don't make me beat you with an undercooked squirrel. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Solution: sleep naked. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin WOW! The universe has pink mood lighting. I wonder what natural phenomena is going to give us the cosmic Lava Lamp. And Muzak ;<. -Gary Sommer Anyone who doesn't see the irony in that is in a coma. -Kevin And tornados always pick up 1 to 3 cows, but no chickens. That's why chickens are always nervous around cows. They know that if a tornado comes that the cows will try to grab them in a desperate attempt to stay anchored to the ground. -Funky J they're putting something in the water that is causing massive braindamage across america. everybody I know is acting like somebody took shelac to their synaptic gaps, not excluding yours truly. Maybe somebody in the military industrial complex decided that Forrest Gump really was a good vision of America. -Jonathan Mayer All the clever people are surfing the net for porn. -Felix Why support communism, Jen? Why not support Roddenberryism? Another pie-in-the-sky, whimsical philosophy that is equally ungrounded in reality. And you get neat replicators and holodecks, too! -Nathan Winant I think the key here is that she's dancing and lipsynching while dressed in a dishevelled boarding school uniform. Maybe I'm just twisted from my brief few formative years in catholic school or something, but it's just.... irresistable. -Nathan Winant BAH. Just, bah. -Khanh Nguyen EX-cellent. For your efforts you shall be rewarded with a sack of fine turnips and a tub of lard. Indulge! -Nathan Winant damnfurriners howdaretheycorrectme themandtheirrabbits -Alloni Kramer The latter is a normal, totally sane, gut-wrenching terror. -Chris Wayne Freud would probably would have liked my boobs. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin My god! I've been outed online. again. I wasn't even in. -Funky J Look at the monkey. -Garth (monkey. mmmm.) bah. Its only your sex life. -ghostxxx How long have you been on this list? Your not supposed to help me. You're supposed to make fun and belittle me. -Garth I can cite one. Buttered toast. Everyone knows its supposed to land on the buttered side, but the other day, it landed on the dry side. I went to my room the rest of that day and cowered under the covers. -ghostxxx will you all marry me? -ghostxxx When making my baby the other night, i put too much salt and vinegar in the mixture and ended up ruining the whole thing. I may also have turned the oven too high. It said bake at 475 for 3 hours, but i figured that if i put the stuff in the broiler, it would be done quicker. -ghostxxx Oh, I'm sorry. I completely missed this message. You see, Kevin made me his Jennifer in Charge of Rating and Berating All Short Country Singers That Look Like Bamboo, and I have woefully neglected my duties. I may be a little late, but I'll try to pick up anyway. BAD GARTH! BAD! BAD! NO COOKIE FOR YOU! NO NOOKIE FOR YOU! BAD GARTH! Now, sit! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Kodos the Executioner? Mass murderer of Altair four? You evil bastard. I voted for Lord Garth of Izar, because he had a cool name. -Garth You kids today... Al Gore promises to save the spotted owl, Elizabeth Dole is female, and therefore it follows logically that her policies will be better for women, Lord Garth of Izar has a cool name... He does, but that's beside the point. -Josh Smith I may as well make up a philosophy in which everyone is given a mansion, a talking monkey, and a lifetime supply of poptarts, and compare that to capitalism. -Nathan Winant But really, on most of these issues where we go nuts, I think it can be boiled down to this. Funky J is a radical, in a nice of way. Chris is reasonable but optimistic. Garth (me) idealistic but cynical. (You forgot stupid, lazy, disrespectful...) Shut up bitch and fix me a turkey pot pie. Nathan cynical but idealistic Jennifer is radical, in a gunrack-in-your-pickup sort of way. Josh is a loon. Everyone else just wishes we'd shut up. Ah, but screw em. -Garth I think that when corporations do things that harm people and forcibly harm other corporations, whether by negligence or by intentional malice, they should themselves get an economic kick in the groin. -Josh Smith Hey. We can download crisco from that page! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Clearly you are destined to be my love slave in the times after the end times, known as the Aeon of Urc. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Pondering inequity. May become bestselling author. Heck, may just become rich without all that intervening "how do i become rich, exactly?" dealing with. Of course, to do that, I'll need to have someone walk up to me and hand me money. Lots of money. A large satchel full of $100 bills will do for a start. Tell you what, if one of you does that, I'll split the contents of the satchel with you. Not evenly, mind you, since it was my idea. Probably 60-40. We can negotiate this, depending on how much exactly the satchel contains, and how often we would be doing the deal. -Alloni Kramer (it's still a good idea) I guess I'm not as much of a sociopath as I'd always thought. Damn, try harder next life. -Chris Wayne um, geek points are A Good Thing, right? -Chris Wayne Well, those would've been bad geek points. Like obsessive never-leave-the-house geek points. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin It's all about geek-sheik baby. -Khanh Nguyen And in the center of the mecca, there is the Fridge. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin It is not advisable to use ftp for the bathroom. You may now proceed with your regularly scheduled luminosity. And short jokes. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin GOD DAMN IT I SAID PROCEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I'm gonna do something wild and unheard of, something wacky and even not quite right. Yes, you guessed it. Tonight I'm going to read a book. For fun. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (no!) chalk it up to mild psychosis. -grey Why would I use ketchup in a garden path? -Felix Anyone have a good place to hide? -ghostxxx And by "Great Satan" I of course mean no offence to anybody. Except Baal. Baal sucks eggs. -Felix Um, maybe I shouldn't have said that. It just started raining. Chill out Baal, eggs are good. The Egg people say so. Sucking eggs is a good thing to do. I probably don't even have to teach you how to do such as thing - seeing as you are so old and powerful and things. Old in a vintage wine sort of way, of course, not old in a grizzled- old-geezer sort of way. -Felix (backing off) Of course, _technically_, we're a minority only in the western hemisphere. And perhaps not even that for long. Been to California recently? Plus, we have an ongoing conspiracy to impregnate white women and just breed all the whiteness right out of the world. -Khanh Nguyen Wow, who would have thought the internet would one day be used to coordinate illegal international transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms? Technology is a wonderful thing. -Chris Wayne It's the Domino Theory, all over again. Thirty minutes or less. -Chris Wayne On the contrary, I highly recommend that EVERYONE start drinking Windex. The people who actually would should never breed anyway. -Chris Wayne I've got a better idea. You get yourself a large satchel of coke, dope and speed, and I'll give you a large satchel of money. Lots of money. -Funky J I was in a church, at a wedding, discussing the Anti-Christ. My friends told me that Church was no place to talk about the Anti-Christ. I think it's probabally the BEST place. He can't get you there. Sanctified ground and all that. -Funky J I need a victim. come to me. -Bean (she's like that) so muchhhh more fuckeed up now. don't know why I'jm even trying to computerizeit -Bean (we love you! come back to us!) That is so wrong. More recent theories are that two kinds of alcoholism exist. One kind is the kind above, while the other one incudes the entirety of France. You could be living in France and not even notice. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I especially like the list of classes and workshops at the end. $1495 for an out-of-body workshop? Includes room and board? Why do you need that? Can't you just leave your body at home? -Chris Wayne The Physician's Desk Reference. To some, a repository of modern pharmaceutical knowledge. To others, a grocery list. -Chris Wayne Um. You're so short, you, um, you have to look up at tall people. 'Cause you're shorter than them. Ha ha. -Alloni Kramer (short jokes) Counteroffer: If you give me a large satchel of coke, dope, and speed, I'll give it back to you in return for a large satchel full of money. -Alloni Kramer The giant hedgehog still haunts me. -? If our military cannot come up with maps that are accurate within the last FOUR YEARS about the locations of THE EMBASSIES OF FIRST-WORLD SUPERPOWERS, I don't think they deserve any more billion-dollar toys. Master millenia old skills of war FIRST, THEN reverse engineer alien technology. That is the order of things. -Nathan Winant A different person altogether??? What the hell are you talking about?? We are all Garth. -Chris Wayne Gilded cages are actually quite nice once you get used to them. -Chris Wayne Of course I have. Not. I meant not. Of course I haven't. No, absolutely not. I don't know anything about them. At all. No comment. Talk to my attorney. No comment. -Chris Wayne The Amish would rule with an iron fist if they had these horses. -Chris Wayne I weep for the eggplant.
*sigh* No, my friend, the eggplant weeps for you.
-Alloni 'n Chris God, I hope that law enforcement doesn't monitor this list. I might have to move and change my identity. Again. -Chris Wayne Unless it really is a gynecologist, who implants alien-human hybrid fetuses, only to deliver them and tell you that you had a miscarriage, and recommends hysterectomies when you don't really need them when They run out of cow anuses. Makes sense to me. -Chris Wayne Don't worry. I haven't turned you in yet. (CIA.) Ahem. Did you hear something? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Baal must be really mad with me. It's still raining. And he caused some old lady to run her husband down. He better not interfere with my moss rock hunting that I'm going to carry out during lunch today, however, or I'll contract Pazzuzu to hunt him down and nail his genitals to the Pope. -Felix I'd pay good human souls to see that! -Jonathan Mayer Aww FUCK Adam Smith. I mean it's not as if he came up with the idea of c.. Oh wait. -Josh Smith think of it this way: flipper babies can't operate handguns. (or ... can they?) -Jonathan Mayer If we're lucky, abducted will keep some poor beauracrat occupied during the workday and keep him from more useful work. In my golden years, I fully expect to be approached by some elderly NSA party apparatchik with the greeting, "So ol' jim jim, we meet at last!" -Jonathan Mayer See? It opens up a whole new market, with whole new marketing possibilities. Handguns for flipper babies! Complete with NubTek(tm!) locking wristband and EZ-Squeez trigger! The right to bear arms -- for those without the right to bare hands! From the fine folks at Winchester. Winchester: have we got arms for you! -Nathan Winant We are redneck of texas. You will be seceded from. Resistance is futile. Yee-ha. -Nathan Winant I love abducted. I love everybody on abducted. ... Well, except for that weird lazy-eyed guy with the hump on his back. -Nathan Winant These espresso machine is out of espresso beans. Need ... espresso ... blacking ... out ... -Jonathan Mayer (a common sentiment) I love my dead gay son. -Heathers I remember entering the shower. I remember exiting the shower. I'm not really sure if anything happenned in between. I'm pretty sure there was water. -Jonathan Mayer (abducted. again.) Imagine the world. It's mainly spherical. There is this mass of Texas covering the sphere. But it's not a smooth tight fit, its more like a soccer ball being covered by a blanket. Some places of this Texas touch the earth directly, and at other points the influence of Texas is less. You can tell where the Texas influence is strongest by the amount of gun toting country&western singing rednecks in the vicinity. Ie. Queensland and Northern New South Wales in Australia are directly touched by Texas, yet Tasmania is almost Texas free. -Felix (theorizing) Ooh. Turkish prison. Sounds lovely. -Josh Smith See, this all seems like silly nitpicking to me. When someone cuts me off, I just shoot them. But then, I'm from California..... -Nathan Winant Clearly, you have never lived in Los Angeles -- where both a car and a gun are absolutely essential to get anywhere. -Nathan Winant I think I may be a mantra. Offhand, somewhere in the Appalacian Himalayas, a small group of people is chanting me. Over and over. Better than counting sheep. Better, even, than almost any of the many possible sheepplications. -Alloni Kramer I am SMARMY SPICE!! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin You can beat a dead horse to water, but you can not make him drink. -Garth .... TacCom Online .... ] L Ed-209 ... Ed 209 brigade launched ] A All ... Attack on all targets underway ] ? R ... 32423443 bullets fired in 3.4 seconds. ... Target no longer exists -Felix (self defense) Yeah, fuck nature. Humans are the only important thing on this planet. -Garth I alway say, "Stupid cunt" untill I find out its a guy. Then I shoot him. -Garth (channelling gibo) How 'bout yellow teletubby cluster bomb cannisters? -Baabaa (who cares about context?) I read that "I wonder what irony they were using." And it still makes more sense. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I hate it when I'm the only one around.
we are all, ultimately, alone.
Which would make us all together in our aloneness. Bah.
-Jennifer 'n Jonathan 'n Jennifer Nope. The money is the goal of the excercise. If I don't end up with a large pile of money that I didn't start with, I'll cry. -Alloni Kramer But anyway, he calls me up this morning, angry at me about something trivial, as usual. Trivial that I had told him the answer to before, btw, but that's irrelevant. He calls me up again, recently. and the first thing he says is, "Can we be friends again now?" He's so cute. -Alloni Kramer (and my exboss) A male dog is a stud only if its used for breeding purposes and even then 'stud' is usually reserved for horses and other livestock. Sire is the usual word for a father dog, but according to the dictionary, the term for an ordinary male dog is, well, dog. A bitch is a female dog, nothing else implied, so the opposite of bitch is dog. And the opposite of stud is slut. I know its not fair, its just the views that society has about sex. Guys are supposed to be promiscuous, girls are supposed to be virgins. I try to do my part. -Garth Nope, those mean the same thing. Try these... Alloni is a bitch. Alloni is my bitch. -Garth (he lies!) jm. qu'est-ce que tu a so very goth? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin The authorities say it isn't true, but isn't that just what they say when cattle are mutilated? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I can deal with that, but ... OHHHHHHhhhhhh. You're saying that's its masculine to be full of shit. I can buy that. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Or, "who the fuck do you think you are, you mellon-ball in the rotten punchbowl of life?" Oh, no. wait. That's normal silliness too. Ignore me. Wait. Too late. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin that's the new dildo cam. -Dot Watson It has been brought to my attention that many of you (poor, misguided folk), engage in the fatally flawed practice of not reading the entirety of the outflow of this mailing list. While there is an insignificant, advantage to such an activity, to whit: time is a luxury few can afford, I feel the array of outstanding disadvantages far outweigh this single, feeble excuse. The breadth of your world is inexpressably compressed, for instance. The beauty of nature leaves you entirely by. You have no opportunity to appreciate the glittering facets of thought. You have no shorts. I'm certain you can appreciate my concern for your cultural wellbeing. -Alloni Kramer Cancellation in the mail. My show is going to be cancelled. While critically acclaimed, it seems that I don't catch the attention of the general public. I remain, sincerely yours, etc, etc. I can change! I can reduce myself to the lowest common demoninator! Just watch: Hey, how about them Dodgers, huh? -Alloni Kramer spliffffff. That's my new sound effect. Probably not as useful as gak. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin What a terribly bitter thing to say! Oh ... hi Bean. :-) -Jonathan Mayer Make way for my tormented genius! Huzzah! -Jonathan Mayer "Hooray!" "What fun!" "It's time we flew!" Said Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too. -Shel Silverstein http://www.pinkholes.com/ I searched the whole site, but I couldn't find anything even remotely pertaining to astronomy. Wierd. -Chris Wayne Anyone out there wanna come up with a theme song for abducted? We could sing the thing first thing each morning and pretend we work for a Japanese corporation. -Gary Sommer They're using our computers to find the name of God. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Today I talked to myself. I came up with a plan for an online sf/f magazine, cutitng out the large-scale distribution system, and plans for how to get it going. Then I sang to myself. -Alloni Kramer So you hold visionaries responsible for other people abusing their visions? So is Jesus responsible for the mess which has grown from Christianity? Every Christian atrocity is his fault because he advocated peace and love and kindness? Well, yeah. -Chris Wayne ... Okay. There is a limit to how much abuse I can take. Hear my battle cry and tremble! "I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL TOTALLY GUILTY!" Ha! -Alloni Kramer Neat. I guess that's what you get for not using one of the many fine versions of Microsoft Windows (tm) Operating System. Unix is obviously not capable of the higher functions that the modern computer user requires. Remember, Bill Gates loves you. -Chris Wayne Your mother has a battle cry?
no, but she continuously makes you pack your bags to go on a guilt trip.
Everyone needs a battle cry. Give her a battle cry for mother's day.
-Alloni 'n Bean 'n Alloni No, gak is more gutteral, so in works in emergencies. Spliffffff seems more like something that would come out of my mouth when I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth right. You know how sometimes you get the words jumbled up so bad that you have to make some odd noise/movement to hit the "reset lips" button? That's what spliffffff will be useful for. That and for the sound I make when I do stuff to my hair or otherwise do anything frooffy. I should make a guide to the sound effects. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Our Surgeon General lost her job for saying that masturbation is okay.
it is? I've got to go home now.
-Josh 'n Jonathan Maybe the child is a computer programmer who has been struck down with a regressive time disease. A few weeks ago he might have been a 24 year old database admin, and few days ago he might have been vainly trying to comprehend boolean algebra. Tomorrow he might be trying to work out what all this bright light thing is about ... -Felix Someone has interupted my quest for pr0n. They must be punished. Must find bondage pr0n to punish them with. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Err, Whah? Hot goth chicks? (nothing throws me into delurk mode faster then mention of hot <anything> chicks) -Kevin the list sure is slooooooooooooow today. Maybe I should stir up a ruckus. Um, Alloni wears combat boots! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (yeah, like that'll work) Sputnik. That's my new favorite curse word. So, sputnik. My boss called a manditory meeting tomorrow at 7:30 am. There had better be breakfast involved and it had better be good breakfast too. How could he do this to me? Sputnik! Sputnik! Sputnik! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin my first official sound effect: Plit <i>sound effect</i> - The sound of being hit in the forehead with a sliced tomato. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin You are passive and easily fooled. You will do well at the meatfarms. -Nathan Winant DAMN YOU NATHAN! DAMN YOU FACET! One of my catchphrases, currently, is "anally rape". I may have to tiedye my nostril hairs to compensate. -Alloni Kramer Nope. I won't lie to you to salve your tormented soul. For cheap laughs, sure. -Alloni Kramer I am federally deregulated today. Can sell monkeys on the street.
High-quality actual monkeys or the inferior crap mass-produced in Southeast Asian sweatshops? I'd buy that for a dollar!
-Alloni 'n Chris NORTHstar. Why not weststar?
Um, cause it would not always be west? sometimes it would be east?
-Alloni 'n Jennifer 'n Alloni (i will go blind from selfquoting) Let's go back in time and smoosh the guy who invented time travel. It sure would keep the philosophers busy for a while. -Chris Wayne (sure, i'm bored) my piece of philosophy for today... there are two things you should never feel guilty about ... eating and wanking. -Funky J apparently, the astrological herb for Pisces is Hops. cool or what? Now I have astrological proof that drinking beer is good for me. probabally where the "Pis" part of the word derives from. -Funky J Today, late for a dentist appointment, I got stuck behind a school bus. I thought about something I've noticed recently but never fully considered: the bus picked up each kid at their homes. When I was a kid, I had to walk almost half a mile to get to the bus stop. My parents didn't ride the bus; they just had to walk to school, five miles, uphill, both ways. My grandfather had to walk to school too, except there was only one school in central Europe and it took a month to get there, uphill, both ways, in shoes made out of cardboard. Which made me think about the recent rash of school shootings in America: kids just aren't physically exhausted enough by the time they get to school. That also explains why our test scores have been steadily dropping; the brain is forced to learn when the body is too tired to kill. Don't take away guns. Just put kids on treadmills at 7 AM. -Chris Wayne And how much does a gross of me cost? (A Gross of Me. Coming soon, major motion picture, starring Gene Hackman as The Gene Hackman Cameo, Alicia Silverstone as Me.) -Alloni Kramer Wow! I'm cheaper than a crack whore! -Alloni Kramer This mailing list has thousands of people? Ya know, I thought I was making a fool of myself in front of only a relatively small audience. Hmmm. Having no direct evidence that there are thousands of lurkers here, I will continue to assume that they do not exist. You hear that, you wacky lurkers? You're not real! Thppt! -Mark Doner thousands? And we _haven't_ taken over the world yet? -Jonathan Mayer (a hit. a very palpable hit.) Your willy nilly filter thingy is an affront to all who respect freedom and indecency on the internet. Prepare thyself for anal pillory, monkey boy!!! -Jonathan Mayer And while YOU may not be canadian, cursus.net is located at 47278 _Ottowa_ Avenue! Which puts you in cahoots with... Canada lovers! We all know where your TRUE sympathies lie! Traitor! Blasphemer! Monkey kisser! The displeasure saucers shall be watching you closely, my friend..... On another note, welcome to abducted. Beware allonis bearing gifts. -Nathan Winant If only our silent minions would expose themselves, then we would have the ideal army. And a really cool folder full of gifs. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I'm real. dammit. well, sorta. -Bean How about psuedo-lurkers, do they exist? Jennifer called me a psuedo-lurker once and now I am concerned. I'll go on a shamanistic vision quest. That should take care of it. -Elizabeth Leal The difference in connotation of 'bah' and 'feh'. Discuss. -Khanh Nguyen How about baboon entrails? C'mon you know you'd like a nice hot bowl of baboon entrains.
Mmm... baboon entrails...
-Garth 'n Alloni Does anyone know of a disorder that causes people to read things wrong besides dyslexia? I need to make an entry.
Why? Syldexia isn't doog enough for yuo?
-Jennifer 'n Chris Darth Vadar changed his name for the same reason Darth Maul did - he is now an aprentice to the emperor. But I don't know what Maul's name was before he turned Darth. Maybe it was Richard Maul or something. -Chester Blaze Well, of course. Sometimes you need to kill an entire flock of birds or grind a deer into hamburger in 37 seconds. Without automatic weapons, that might actually take skill and accuracy. Not to mention when your house gets robbed by an angry mob. -Chris Wayne The Jar Jar Binks monster head candy sucker tonge thing looks intresting. I don't think it really counts as a toy unless you find an alternate use for that rough textured candy tongue. Wait, i forgot who i'm talking to... -Kevin tonsilitis sucks. my alien leaders didn't tell me I would be susceptible to this kind of shit when they placed me here. -Bean There is nothing random in abducted. All random activities are planned years in advance. -kl.noc Oh, aliens have been over and around us and our conversations many times before. We've all been invaded/probed/abducted/replaced by pod people/abducted others/probed others/etc at least once. Since it's the one thing we all have in common, it's the one thing nobody really talks about. Really, how long does it take before comparing the scars that never seem to heal and grant us unearthly powers gets old? -Alloni Kramer Guys are supposed to be promiscuous, girls are supposed to be virgins.
By that logic, the world should be full of gay men and nuns.
-Garth 'n Chris I don't agree. "Alloni is a bitch" indicates that he is catty, spiteful, and vindictive. "Alloni is my bitch", OTOH, indicates that he is owned or in some way a possession, i.e. a sex slave. Totally different connotations. Antithetical, in fact. The first refers to a strong-willed and potentially mean-spirited Alloni, whereas the second refers to a submissive, easily abused Alloni. -Chris Wayne (and we all know which the true one is) What you perceive as random subjects are actually only small parts of a greater whole, a myriad of apparently chaotic topics which linked together form a cohesive discussion of the infinite order that exists just slightly beyond normal human perception. The life outside our sphere can see it, though, and they reveal it to us, in small parcels, so that our frail minds can cope with the great cosmic truths without imploding into madness. Stay with us and hear the voice of the Outer Gods, who guide us twixt the paths of ignorance and insanity to The One Truth. -Chris Wayne Dot, you are a brutal and vicious wench. You have neither couth nor tact. This attack is rude and unwarranted. You are, without doubt, a cutthroat bitch of the first order. Will you marry me? -Chris Wayne Where, in fact, the truth is a combination of all of the above, i.e. a strong-willed, submissive, potentially mean-spirited, and easily abused Alloni. -Alloni Kramer I can't believe you told her already. You blew our cover. We didn't even get to play. Thppt. I hereby condemn you to be named Bubba until next Tuesday. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin That's basically it. The focus of our list is to not have a focus. Kill "BoB!" Kill "BoB!" He is even "BoB" when he is backwards. All hail "Bob." Or at least snow a little. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I resent that! We have a focus outside of not having a focus! Just because Our Alien Masters (OAM) don't _tell_ us what the focus is, doesn't mean that they, in their infinite wisdom, don't have one. -Alloni Kramer And it was a brand new theater. No more than ten asses had ever been in that seat before mine. It still had that new theater smell. -Chris Wayne Yes, the spring line of human skin suits are available now and I've decided to trade up. Mine is getting so ragged, especially after all the hallucinogenic tinfoil and hubcap enemas last equinox. And I can't forget the botox wrinkle remover. It's just time to do it! Well, maybe after this next laser surgery it'll finally happen. Wish me luck! -Baabaa Just wondering! ;-)
that's a good start. Next thing you know you will be examining what the Lord Bhudda can do for your lava lamp.
-Joni 'n Felix Well, mine is sorta ovally and has a big spinning propeller in the back. The propeller is mostly for decoration though. It doesn't actually work in space or anything. What moves it around in space is a device my kind call The Erguhsnattzch. The sound doesn't transfer to English very well. I can't tell you how it works because there's this stupid treason rule that if I tell any humans, they hang me upside down by my boobs overnight to turn me into a sausage and eat me for breakfast. It's really rather a complicated proceedure. Rather smelly too. Requires sauerkraut. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin By way of introduction, I should probably mention that I am one of Them. Specifically, I'm a Man In Black. Usually. At the moment I'm a Man In A Plaid Flannel Bathrobe. But that doesn't mean that my com-patriots and I aren't plotting the overthrow of all the world's governments, to be replaced by, ah, mechanisms of our own designing. -Mark Doner Those poor SETI fools. What makes them think that our space brethren still use something as quaint as electromagnetic waves for communication? -Mark Doner Sometimes when driving up north I can almost envision Mad Max happening around me. -Felix I use the Greys from time to time to help me shoot down LBHs. -Felix I still can't help but think that it's some sort of plot. Like utilizing the combined CPU power of millions of computers to birth an internet AI which will one day rule us with a virtual iron fist. Or analyzing the data on our computers and sending back detailed lists of the pirated software and pornography on our hard drives. Or uploading alien mind control signals into every computer in America to facilitate a bloodless invasion and turn us all into mindless slaves to mine cobalt deep within the Zeta Reticulan homeworld. Still, it sure is purty. *drool* -Chris Wayne (re: seti@home) What about gay nuns or gay guys dressed as nuns? Or naughty Vicars? -Garth I must have Jennifer disease, I thought you wrote "He lived close to Drow so he's probably sterile." Those damn dark elves! -Felix Have a good night, it must be your bedtime! Sweet Dreams! But don't take any "mushrooms" eg drugs! ;-) -Joni Ferris (laugh nostalgically in memorium) Why look to the skies? Check out your bathroom mirror. -Baabaa Red is good, you've made it past Eden's Gate, almost entering the Cosmos, the microcosmos that is. Yes, you are all trying to reconstruct Carl Sagan's dream girl, Celeste. The perfect heavenly body that is obtainable only through mass processing.In the end - you will find Lynn, her termites and the origins of sex. Carl couldn't handle what was in front of his face so he looked to the stars. -Baabaa Animal AND bacteria abuse! -Baabaa Dear God, I think she's one of us. That or she's one of THEM. Oh wait. I'm one of them. Nevermind. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Our sodomy laws have been declared unconstitutional! Freedom for Drag Queens! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Well, apparently they don't know about this list, or *gasp* they don't take us seriously. I just don't understand how that second one could be true though. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin My dad is a chemical engineer who specializes in waste water treatment. I know far more about raw sewage than any sane man ever should. In fact, my father was always fond of saying that shit put food on our table. I had a very disturbing childhood. -Chris Wayne why would you want to do calculus with my love life? would it make it better? -Funky J I thought the ONLY time to argue about faith and reason was when surrounded by beer bottles. -Funky J Why? Why do Internet AIs always try to rule us with an iron fist? Why aren't they ever benevolent? What makes intelligence created by humanity always so devoted to our destruction? Gosh darn it, can't we all just get along? -Alloni Kramer Today only! None of you need to fear being eaten alive.* Think of it as my gift to you. Enjoy. * - Yes, Jen, we're all well aware of all the obvious oral sex and necrophilia innuendo just waiting to be innuended. This is a serious albeit jubuliant matter, and I'd appreciate it if you'd treat it as such. -Nathan Winant (his gift to us) Actually, I was just going to offer some coworkers in tribute to The Man, who has bestowed upon us this day such an awesome gift. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (payment) Congratulations, Jennifer. For your contribution, all listmembers shall need not fear being eaten alive for the whole week. Additionally, nobody (short of The Man, or a duly appointed representative thereof) shall be able to hold any listmember accountable for any contracts signed this week in which they waive, abridge, or otherwise cede the rights to their own unborn children. Go wild, people. -Nathan Winant Sheesh. I'm an incurable perv. The first thing that comes to mind (well the second actually, right after hypothermia) is "Whoa. Nipples." -Trevor Walton Filthy American Pig Dog propaganda. <spit> -Kevin My inner child keeps trying to sell my soul to the devil. -DerekFelix Greetings. You have wandered into a dangerous hole in the internet. -Jonathan Mayer I can't believe how cruel you people behave to such an innocent babe, lost in the woods of the internet. Er, yes I can. Couldn't we, at least, humor her for a little while? My parents found me in a corn field beneath some unusual aurora patterns. I'm still waiting for my transgenic donor parents to contact me, since my E.T. uberbrain prematurely activated itself last year. -Jonathan Mayer This list is many things -- and in fact, it is in many ways a childrens' list. We encourage the use of this forum for the exchange of recipies, to share tips on obedience-conditioning (just follow our handy "Rules of Thumb"!), and as something of a support group for their owners and employers. -Nathan Winant "listowner"? Ah, I see you're under the mistaken impression that someone actually MAINTAINS this list. Nononono... This little beauty is beaming straight atcha from an island somewhere from the outskirts of chiba..... Welcome to the New Wild West... We have only one law here. His name is Garth. -Nathan Winant Inspired by smiley's kind words and bean's bout with gout, I have decided to quit smoking. Out on the smoking patio, I just found myself hacking uncontrollably. Suddenly, it dawned on me: I'm beginning to develop asthma-like symptoms. Smoking can lead to asthma. Asthma leads to being like alloni. Some prices are just too high to pay. -Nathan Winant I'm actually very old, close to the end of my life-cycles, apparently. Apparently, I am a "Earth Saver" and when the shit hits the fan, and Armegeddon happens, my purpose on earth will be revealed and I'll know what to do. I was told this via my flatmate who has a psychic friend. This girl hardly knows me, but got other things right about me, which makes me kinda worried. My main concern is to get laid before Armageddon. -Funky J My inner child keeps wetting my bed -Funky J what's the difference between dead and in new jersey? -kl.noc Nagas is Sagan's name spelled backwards. Getting paranoid yet? -Joni Ferris (horrors!) ... This is the first instance I've seen -- and perhaps the last -- of the word "acrylics" used as an expletive. -Nathan Winant Y'all, cool it down in there. Ain't no use squirrelin' a possum up a tree if ya ain't gonna drink moonshine with yer vittles. -Nathan Winant (how true) See what you get for doing your own thinking? Confusion, Anguish, Bitterness. Now lie back and let the implants do their job. -Baabaa Hey! We're all just one big happy ball of hot incestual Abducted love, right? Although nobody showed up for the last Abducted orgy at my casa *pout* -Michael Hale Man. I keep getting confused and thinking "I'd better open this message from that Larje Mcbat, it might be interesting." Duh. I think thta name makes me the official large bat of Scotland. Better hope I'm not a vampire species. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I suppose you are moderately cute, but my inner child wants to do deals with the devil. I can't argue with my inner child. -Felix don't worry Trevor, you'll feel better after you see the wierd little bug. -Bean (yes. trust in the bug.) A pox on both your dignities! -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Dignity is very important to me. I can't have people laughing at me. -Alloni Kramer Dawson's creek as modern-day retelling of Star Wars monomyth. Discuss. -Nathan Winant THINK OF IT, Kramer! On-the-fly quote capture! It'd be GREAT! You'd be like perl, only jewish!* * - Yes, campers, Larry Wall is both family man and devoted xian. Now is the time to strike back! JEWISH CODERS UNITE!!!!!!!! -Nathan Winant Grey? Grey's been breeding? The father's always the last to know... -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I'll have you know I just dropped food in my lap for you. And you didn't even show up to get it. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin To me, Kashmir is just another pretty good restaurant. -Jonathan Mayer All US beers are crappy. You can convince me otherwise by sending me samples. -Felix (bein sneaky) Have you *ever* had a full pelvic? -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (oh, baby) I, on the other hand, am neuskule. -Nathan Winant I am semi-permanent finely-aged skewl. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin One step closer to the abducted sex orgy! mua-ha-ha-ha-ha -Michael Hale I don't eat souls. I save them. And redeem them for valuable prizes! -grey Neither! It's the truth! I've seen it too! It was spherical, and there were black lines all over it. I remember it as clearly as if it happened yesterday. I was in my high school gym class, and it came right at me! I lost consciousness and woke up hours later in the nurse's office, with a sense of missing time. My face was covered in odd bruises that I couldn't explain. And my rectum was bleeding. Although the gym teacher told me that was perfectly normal the first time I had an "experience". And he told me not to tell anyone, but I know I can trust you guys. -Chris Wayne Also, my sister married a guy who used to in the US Air Force Intelligence Agency, who has since been promoted and now works for the NSA. They were married for several years before I got myself pretty sure that he wasn't just there to spy on me, even though I still wonder about it sometimes. Not too seriously, but who knows? John, if you read this, say hi to my sister for me. -Chris Wayne Everytime you hear laughing at your place of work, they are laughing about you. Everytime work colleagues close a door to have a discussion, its about getting rid of you. Everytime you leave your house, you think anybody within a hundred metres of the place is waiting for you to leave so they can break in. You make a habit of memorising nearby numberplates of unfamiliar cars. Everytime you have an ache or pain, you are convinced it's cancer or HIV or something, and you are going to die soon. Everytime you ring a friend, and they are not there, they are out with all your other friends having a great time. They did not invite you deliberately. Everytime you look at porn on the net, you suspect that your IP address has been logged and a sheriff will appear on your front door the next day -Felix (paranoid symptoms) Bar none, we are the coolest sign. Astrology CAN get you laid. -Chris Wayne Don't forget that you are supposed to get along really horribly with me because we're both too meeeeeeeeean. But we'd have really fabulous sex. That's what the stars say, fellow jack-ass. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I'm a girl. Just about anything can get me laid if my standards are low enough. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin i get that All The Time, man. It's just my transgenic alien uberbrain attempting to reboot itself. BFD. I think the world-vibrating eyeball twitches are kind of amusing sometimes. -Jonathan Mayer Whenever I go to the gym there is this odd bald guy who wears an all-plastic jumpsuit to work out, with long sleeves and pants. It is cinched to his body in various places with elastic. I am forced to wonder: why is this man trying to keep his precious bodily fluids sealed away in his cinched plastic jumpsuit? Why does he leave yellowish fluid drippings over all the equipment that I want to use? Is what he have contagious? Does he even have any skin under all that plastic? -Jonathan Mayer Maybe jedi sit around and do jedi mind tricks on each other when they're bored. -Khanh Nguyen (another way to go blind) This works not at all for me...Yenkh Canha. Sounds like a Jewish holiday on crack. -Khanh Nguyen (star wars names) Shiner shall free us from our evil australian oppressors. -Nathan Winant bud & miller, correct. They have one redeeming quality: they're thinner than water. Meaning if you *have* to get drunk really really fast, they're the way to go (short of hard liquor). Of course, that's kinda like saying the nazis' one redeeming quality was the quality of their scientific research..... -Nathan Winant now you see... that is what is so great about the movie.. they are not just racist towards the vietnamese.. they are racist toward EVERYONE.. so that makes it _okay_ -Amy R. Dawson My Star Wars name is also an ancient Indian name. Nauwek Yomerrui, which translates to "Earth wind with glowing sword" -Jason "Smoking leads to asthma. Asthma leads to alloni. Alloni leads to... SUFFERING!" -Nathan Winant (rephrasing) A pox on all your fifty-seventh born. -Alloni Kramer What is my soul worth? A small Koosh ball? -Alloni Kramer "What's a G-spot?" -Jennifer Lynn Larkin's cow-orker I have two words for you: Sister Sproing. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin it hard trying to explain why you have a site saying HARDCORE SEX when your father walks in. fakeid.com is not much of an excuse. luckily my parents run a porn site, so the awkward moments are not so awkward. -Chester Blaze If only I was from earth... -Michael Hale Chester - you are an evil evil man. or woman. or whatever (don't want to rude). -Dot Watson Regardless, we'd either have sweat-drenched, window-rattling, earth-shaking hate-sex or kill each other trying. Maybe both. -Chris Wayne Hey, when a self-sustaining fusion reactor talks, I listen. -Chris Wayne I remember when my dad quit smoking. We were all so proud of him; he just stopped and didn't smoke at all. Not once. Although he started taking a lot of long walks. And started buying gum and breath mints by the "value pack." And offered to put gas in all our cars. And went outside to check the lawn at 4 AM. And had to use the bathroom every single time we went out to eat, sometimes several times. And then I'd come home from college late in the evening, and he'd be standing outside waiting for me. I could see how happy he was to see me, considering the way his face had that orange glow about it. I'm so proud of him. -Chris Wayne I sense doom. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin I suggest a convergence around Jason's penis. Hey, that came out better than I thought. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin It took me over an hour to convince the people that I was with to bring me to the hospital. Of course, I didn't care for a good while. "Heh. I think I'm passing a kidney stone. Heh. Cool. Maybe I should go to the emergency room. Nah. Heh. Cool. Hey, Ray! I'm passing another kidney stone! Um, now apparently. Heh. Cool." -Jennifer Lynn Larkin It's called a speculum. I got a box of disposable plastic ones for a friend of mine who said he liked "gaping orifices" in pornos. I had to explain what they were. He said I was sick. -Chris Wayne Something tells me that seeing star wars just after drinking coffee just after eating sushi makesuh mesuh go weirdy weirdy-like. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin Ok... this plainly non-facetious on-list flirthing must stop. It's making me nauseous. -grey (and heaven knows we wouldn't want that) Wait, I get it now. FlashNet is a front for the porn industry. I must have quit right before all the naked people showed up. damn. -Jason more wise words from the funky one... If you don't remember it, it didn't happen. -Funky J And thus was the evil scheme of Funky J foiled. Many were the babes of Abducted, and yea, they did appreciate the foiling. And there was much celebration and dancing around like flamingos. And it was good. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin oh come now. we all know the babes of abducted would love to see every guy here wrapped in Aluminuim foil. -Funky J I would agree, but you might call me a perv, so I won't. -Kevin Sequel? What sequel? There wasn't a sequel. Especially a really bad sequel to one of my favorite movies. No way. Move along, nothing to see here. Go on, you bunch of looky loos. -Garth (looky loos?) Nichelle Nichols told me her grandmothers name was Garth. -Garth (oh) I'm the uberperv :^)
well, well, well.. whatd'ya want? a cookie or something?
No, but 20 pounds of lime green jello, 3 tons of flax, a bathtub, a 50 gallon barrel of chocholate fudge, and a harem of perverse, yet strikingly beautiful and scantily clad women will do me quite nicely, thank you very much...
Can I have his cookie?
-Michael 'n Amy 'n Michael 'n Jason (sounds pretty good to me, too) What happened to the sucub..... girlfriend? -Garth Well, the best way to reach a man's prostate is to drill a hole about two inches above the base of the penis at a 35=B0 downward slope. Where do you drill the hole to reach the g-spot? -Chris Wayne Not at all. The ability to spell words correctly defines one's worth as a person. Except for Garth, since he's a co-saviour. -Chris Wayne (yay! i'm imune!) I occasionally spell in tongues. -Garth We're not laughing at you, we're laughing about you. -Garth Only the foolish man purposely provokes the wrath of grey. -Chris Wayne (fortune cookie) grey: feared, worshipped, loathed... mostly feared. -grey (ommm... ommm...) Well, she's not Fiona Apple and if she's not Fiona Apple I don't give a rats ass. -Garth who *are* all youse peoples? I think we're being invaded. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. But I still think we're being invaded. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin And right now, I am not partially intoxicated; I am going to my car to get out my vibrator. That's very very different. If I were partially intoxicated, I would be stumbling to my car to get my vibrator even thought I was sure that I'm too numb to feel anything anyway. Bring on the pr0n. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin grey: somewhere between white and black. mostly black. -Kevin I'd just like to say that those of us with implants find it very insulting that you consider the "implant remark" an insult. -Chris Wayne We all speak for everyone. We are all Garth. Or Alloni. Or me? -Chris Wayne Did an old lady with big glasses sell them to you? Are they approved by Magic, the Fashion Wonder Dog? -Chris Wayne The clones were never circumcised? The clones are dramatically lighter or darker than you and very hard to read? The clones were all raised in the Himalayas and possess chi-strike power? -Chris Wayne no really, I'm illiterate. my pet monkey types for me... I can barely speak actually... my monkey is telepathic. -Bean I'd never shop anywhere with commas in its name. Semicolons, maybe, but never commas. -Chris Wayne I don't consider the Ewoks a comparative basis for greatness. -Chris Wayne Speaking of Ye Ole Navy, I heard a fellow on Art Bell a few months ago that spoke of how the Old Navy commercials were really hidden warnings for people to prepare for an iminent alien invasion... -Michael Hale Anakin is a little kid making a present for his mother. Sort of like when you made macaroni collages when you were a kid. What the hell does a mother need a macaroni collage for? Only difference is that Anakin is better at macaroni sculpting than the rest of us. -ghostxxx Well, let's see. Every day I'm alive, billions of microscopic plants and animals are brutally slaughtered, several pounds of oxygen are ripped from the atmosphere and a similar amount of greenhouse gases are released, macroscopic plants and animals are killed to sustain my life, and several megawatts of energy are expended to cook their carcasses and perform other tasks for my own personal comfort. Thanks, Khanh. I feel a lot better. -Chris Wayne I don't want to play any of your eurocentric reindeer games anymore. -Khanh Nguyen Can i be your second hand bitch? -Khanh Nguyen And that's better? The Force was The Tao Which Could Be Known and now it's a bacterial infection? "Use The Clap, Luke." -Chris Wayne Ooh. My kind of gal/guy/androgenous entity. -Josh Smith UFOs and abductions- The implants I received on the pleasure saucer forbid me from speaking further on this subject. Sorry. -Josh Smith (why wasn't i on the pleasure saucer?) ahhh....makes me think of my monkey. he's telepathic too. he's knows i'm thinking about spanking him right now. -Juno Katchimora And where does Morgan Fairchild fit into all this? Hopefully in my place of residence. Mmmm. Morgan Fairchild. -Josh Smith a link to abducted? evil. -Bean This ordinarily fierce species of cat, when tamed into a fine golfer, makes a kind and loving pet. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin But um, juniper berries. Yeah. Juniper berries. -Josh Smith Abducted Law #842 Any Abducted subscriber suspected of buying or selling any legal or illegal narcotic will be asked to share. Any Abducted subscriber caught using any legal or illegal narcotic will be forced to share. This law is without exceptions. -Jason I once drew a map to all the secrets of the universe. By the next day it had become scribbled lines, squiggles, and swirls in 64 Crayola colors. Some things man just was not meant to know. -Chris Wayne So maturity is basically subjective.
Is not, you big doody-head.
-Jennifer 'n Chris It takes evil to know evil, Chris. I think _you're_ Darth Sidious....... -Nathan Winant Think about placement, Jen. Your link is buried somewhere on a site full of references to rusty vibrators and anal-probing how-to guides. Amy's is relatively easy to find, on a site with little or no intimidation value. You see, your link attracts a higher... quality... of person. A more... abducted... quality of person. -Nathan Winant A recent study at Illuminati O. University implies that the brain of an intellegent person actually contains tiny air pockets and that the soma and dendrites are spead further apart than in the brains of less intellegent poeple. This extra space in the brain stores oxygen for use by the brain when it is needed to calculate complicated mathematics (such as bistromathics) and for the writing of expansive literary works such as novels or abducted posts. This study started when someone noticed that certain brains float in preservation vats and other brains sink. It find it very interesting that this change in density actually allows for more eloquent verbalisation and exponentiation. However, this is clearly shown to us by Miss JONIFERRIS, not only in that she spells her name in all caps, but also in her inability to take a hint or to evaluate situations correctly. Obviously this study was done by people whose brains are even less dense than our own, since we had missed the compactedness of Miss JONIFERRIS's brain in comparison to our own airy brains. This also implies that people previously referred to as airheads are actually the most intellegent people on the planet. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (it isn't science if no one gets hurt) Yes, exactly. That's what I like about Australia. It's almost like America, only slightly less evil. -Chris Wayne I'll go back to considering myself wholly and solely sane again. The rest of you fruitboxes can go to hell. -FelixDerek (why I separate them, i don't know) The list used to have dignity! It used to be a forum where we could show our mutual appreciation for each other's many talents and virtues, while at the same time acknowledging our faults and taking steps to improve ourselves to the best of our abilities, patting each other on the back, and just generally smiling on our brothers! Oh, pardon me. I was smoking crack. -Josh Smith A friend of mine who worked in a hospital told me about I guy who came in which severe internal injuries. Apparently he was masturbating in a bathtub with a shovel handle up his rectum, and... he slipped. He was in the ICU and had to be restrained because he kept trying to masturbate, not even caring if other people were in the room with him. No idea if this is true. -Chris Wayne Dammit, Garth, I've had it with you and your common sense. -Chris Wayne An eerie silence falls over the Abducted, and a calm resignation comes into their eyes. They know what they must do. The heretic must be cleansed, lest he spread his lies and taint their holy work. As one, they bring forth their hand grenades, for surely this is self-defense. This threat to their way of life must die. Yea, verily, they smite the apostate with their metal eggs, which hatch into righteous death unto the unbeliever. Rejoice! -Chris Wayne You mother wears high-heeled pink fuzzy slippers. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin It is in the nature of all sentient beings to seek knowledge of their creators. In seeking that knowledge, our creations are invariably exposed to the appalling reality of who and what we are. If we were my god, I'd storm the gates of heaven too. -Chris Wayne ghx must be turning over in his... Well, I'm sure he's turning over, wherever he is. -Chris Wayne Heh. Phonetically, this name is pronounced 'Cow McHeart'. Following the "Earth conscious" decision to abandon styrofoam boxes in favor of paper wrapping, McDonald's now introduces their new sandwich: The Cow McHeart. "We thought our customers would appreciate us using every part of the cow in the same spirit that our Native American forefathers used every part of the wild bison. Slaughterhouses are so wasteful. They just throw the hearts away. We thought we could earn some added revenue by using this "waste product" on a kaiser bun with pickles and special sauce(tm). *CHOMP* Plus, everyone enjoys a good heart now and then. The aortic arch is particularly tender," said Ronald McDonald. Coming soon: Filet-O-Udder Deluxe! -Khanh Nguyen Here's a good one. A man in his mid 30's and his mother came in. He was complaining of abdominal pain. The doctor did the usual treatment and the guy was spirited off to X-ray. They came back and plain as day there was a large jar in his rectum. He finally admitted to inserting it. He didn't want to tell us earlier because his mother was in the room. The jar turned out to be a Skippy peanut butter jar. Not the new plastic kind, but one of old glass ones with the metal lids. He ended up going to surgery where they had to break the jar and extract it piece by piece. -Khanh Nguyen (and you winced when you read it the first time, too) We had this guy who kept coming in and feigning bladder injuries just so he could get a foley. The tech was tipped off when he got a hard-on as the tech was about to administer the catheter. Ppl are very strange. -Khanh Nguyen Feh, who believes in the truth anymore? -Khanh Nguyen Official Abducted Future: (Nathan Winant) I think we've got PLENTY of unwitting people already. I fear a future flood of very literal, non-technical, sensitive writer types. The whining and mewling could become unbearable. "Say, did anyone hear the new indigo girls album? It's just so SENSITIVE!" "What do you mean we all live in Texas? I live in a small women's writing colony in Albuquerque. Texas is icky! They have pickup trucks and male phallus oppressors there!" "Gee, guys, I think it's mean the way you pick on alonni like that. Think about how that makes her feel!" "I'm from Canada, eh?" "Let's discuss poetry we've written about our mothers!" "Garth, I feel _____ when you _____, because _____." "Sorry to pass on this "SPAM" chain letter, but you never know!..." ... etc., etc., etc. It is fear. Official Abducted Aerobics: (Jennifer Lynn Larkin) And so I had a plan: goth aerobics. I said "I KNOW! WE COULD DO GOTH AEROBICS!" And the goth chick said "Actually, I had a conversation with a friend already about goth aerobics." She put her hand on her head feigning a swoon and said "One two three four." So I said SWOON two three four SWOON two three four. MOPE two three four MOPE two three four. Although it should have been swoon two three one swoon two three two mope two three one mope two three two. I had a margarita, ok? It was sort of large. So anyway. The other girl almost spit out her wine. She couldn't even swallow it for two minutes until she stopped laughing. I now have a mission. Not like a Spanish mission like Don't Mess With a Missionary Man mission or a Mission Impossible mission but more like a vision quest or a crusade or something. You know, a holy war or some shit. Goth aerobics. I will be the first goth aerobics instructor ever. And I will never glisten because I'm allergic to my own sweat. Official Abducted "We Own You Now" Moment: (Nathan Winant) ... I've got a better idea. Since you're incapable of making simple judgement calls for yourself, why don't we pre-approve _all_ your reading material for you? Better yet, all media! Slowly, we can shape your thoughts and feelings to our whim, rendering you a simplistic yet unquestioningly obedient tool, a glassily eager marionette in our puppetshow of the damned. ... From now on, you belong to abducted. You MAY read all messages with "[CHESTER-ACCEPTABLE]" in the subject. You MUST read all messages with "[CHESTER-ACCEPTABLE *MANDATORY*]" in the subject. You MAY NOT read any other messages, on this mailing list or on any other. All other media -- web pages, books, television, movies, etc., must be explicitly approved by abducted. However, you may follow any urls included in a CHESTER-ACCEPTABLE message, UNLESS it is explicitly stated in the message that you may not. Furthermore, you may only view the specific item that the url denotes (whether it be a single web page, an image, a text document, etc.) -- you may not follow links, directory-browse, etc., unless it is explicitly stated that you may do so. Lastly, in order to get you started, I present an introductory list of CHESTER-ACCEPTABLE media: TV -- Ricky Lake (*MANDATORY*) Everything with Cher (*MANDATORY*) Starsky & Hutch BOOKS ----- Everything by John Grisham (*MANDATORY*) Everything by Stephen King (*MANDATORY*) Every book whose title ends with "for the Soul" (*MANDATORY*) MOVIES ------ Tarzan (*MANDATORY*) Big Daddy (*MANDATORY*) Inspector Gadget (*MANDATORY*) Universal Soldier II: The Return (*MANDATORY*) Baby Geniuses (*MANDATORY*) Doug's 1st Movie (*MANDATORY*) Pushing Tin (*MANDATORY*) Notting Hill Forces of Nature Never Been Kissed She's All That The Mod Squad The Mummy Cookie's Fortune Homefries NEWSPAPERS ---------- USA Today WEBSITES -------- www.the-man.org (*MANDATORY*. You must check this site at least once every week) www.pez.com (*MANDATORY*) www.yahoo.com (however, you MAY NOT follow links to other websites, nor may you step outside of the www.yahoo.com domain -- for example, dailynews.yahoo.com is unacceptable) www.totallyteens.com USENET (all messages on the following newsgroups are CHESTER-ACCEPTABLE) ------ alt.religion.kibology alt.food.pez ... The Man has spoken. Official Abducted Bad Acid Trip: (Chris Wayne) However, one of the worst bad acid trips I ever had was triggered by not being to find my keys. "I have to go for a walk. I need to get out here. But I can't leave without locking the door. Everything would be all right if I could only find my keys." So I spent three hours sitting in the backyard, watching and feeling the tree roots grow into my arms and legs. Eventually I walked down to the porn shop where I worked, having forgotten all about the key problem, and watched the strangest porno I have ever seen. It was one of the more artistic ones and had some just freakish elements in it, like bird cages and UK police sirens in the background. It had lesbians shaving each other, and almost every one of them had pierced tongues. When I left I saw that one of my co-workers and his friends were at the counter. All of them were bald and had pierced tongues. And it occurred to me that they were a roving band of insane shavers and piercers who preyed upon people tripping in porn shops and that movie was actually some kind of cult training film. But I digress. Official Abducted Exquisite Story So Far: (y'all) Drenched in the late fall sunlight, I slowly awoke to the strains of the lute being played beside me. Drifting with the melodies, I did not once stop to think of the outside world. Streching out slowly, my arm brushed against something cold and hard. I couldn't believe how insatiable a love zombie could be. Yea, though the maggots had all been emptied from his prostate gland, He could but continually lust for more. For His desires were not those of man, but those of the undead; of an incubus. But I never realized it until He penetrated me with that huge slab of decomposing meat. Like with other zombies in my past, his festering peter left me with a sense of longing, not for fresher corpses, not for lovers who were technically alive, but for waiters -- the only people qualitied to gather the remains and bus them to the afterlife on their way back to the bar to get me a beer. Boy, did I need that drink. With that hot momma sitting across the bar from me, I could barely hold myself back. All I could think about was how much I wanted her to lick my eyeball. I tried to compose myself. I didn't want to frighten her away. Never pop the eyeball on a first date. But too late! I popped it anyway and it shot out of my socket and into her wine glass. I tried several times to causually extract the glass orb from her possession. But each try failed. Then she drank my eye. It was a beautiful eye, really. Soft and sweet, with just a hint of lemon. I was sorry to see it leave. Well, not see it, exactly. Feel it flowing outward. I will miss my eye. But I will miss my jacket more. To take my mind off of things, I decided to go shopping. Not for a repacement (how could I replace THAT?) but just to occupy my mind. On the way, I popped into a Wendy's for a pita. For some reason, I couldn't get them out of my mind. So I sat munching my pita. A strange looking man came up to me while I was eating and said, "pita." "Yes," I said. Because it was. He shook his head. "Pita." "Yes." "No, no," he said, frustrated. "Peeeeedaaaaaa." What could I say to that? Nothing. There was nothing to say. I laughed in despair. No one knew the torments of the damned like I. No one. And, if my plan came to fruition, no one ever would. But hark! The fatal flaw. There was no one to know the truth anyway. No one could listen. No one would hear. And this was the cause of neverending torment. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. But then MacGuyver came, bearing gifts of gunpowder, pork rinds, and an old rusty chainsaw. And, with the help of his trusty Swiss Army knife, he constructed a device to aid in their escape, and all were spirited off to safety. (http://www.aposiopesis.net/Alloni/Projects/Exquisite/) UnOfficial UnAbducted Star Wars Post: (Kibo) Okay, so here's my true story for today about the horror that is "Star Wars Episode Eye". As you may or may not have noticed (despite a hype barrage nearly a millionth as big as George Lucas's) I have been putting up pictures of Dumb Toys on my Web site. (More slowly than I like -- I have about 200 photos in the "holding area", with only about 20 posted on the site) And you may have noted that I put up a gallery of Dumb "Star Wars" Toys the day before the "Star Wars Episode Eye" toys were released to enormous imaginary crowds of invisible, toy-crazed shoppers who only exist on CNN Headline News. So, anyway, in the past few weeks I've been smuggling my camera into places like Toys R Us -- brazenly walking right past the "NO CAMERAS ALLOWED" sign which Toys R Us feels they need to put up to violate MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO MAKE FUN OF THEIR LAME TOYS WITH WACKY PHOTO CAPTIONS -- and not checking my camera at the security desk, either. (At Toys R Us, they have "Security". At other stores, they have "Loss Control". I have never seen a Security person at Toys R Us -- when I spent two hours in their Alewife store snapping photos all over the place, I heard them screaming into the PA system for the Security guy every five minutes for some reason, but he never returned from his eternal coffee break -- but I imagine that Toys R Us Security forces have uniforms not unlike giant versions of Lego Darth Vader's outfit, only made out of leather. And instead of lightsabers they have cattle prods with the tips coated with Krazy Glue.) Today I went to the Burlington Mall (aka "Simon" -- no, I don't know why the mall is named "Simon" now) because I got a hot tip that they had bait with a "YUM -- HOG LARD!" logo on the package. (I also do photos of Things You Shouldn't Put In Your Mouth. Note that I am only required to actually taste things intended for consumption by people, not crappies.) This mall, like all large and trendy malls established during the Yuppie era, has one of those candy shores where they have big bins of 59 kinds of jelly beans (MOVIE THEATER BUTTER FLAVOR JELLY BEANS! DR PEPPER JELLY BEANS! CHEERIOS JELLY BEANS! HOG LARD JELLY BEANS!) sorted by flavor, arranged in a big rainbow, so you can mix the 59 flavors together yourself and only pay a 50% surcharge over just getting a bag of jelly beans at K-Mart and throwing out the licorice ones. Because, I mean, it's obvious that it's better to waste money than to waste food. I was buying my bimonthly bag of One Scoop Of Everything Blue (they now have gummi space shuttles in blue! Yay!) when I saw that, like every other store at the mall, they had a rack of "Star Wars Episode Eye" toys. Of course, because everyone expected there to be a huge crush to get "Star Wars" toys, every store stocked about 50,000 of them, meaning that there is a horrible, terrible glut of "Star Wars" toys on the face of the earth. Not only toy stores are chock-a-block with them, but pushcart vendors, framed lithography stores, and everyone else except the Disney store is stuffed to the gills with injection-molded "Star Wars" stuff. This candy store had the candy-filled lightsabers (because every Jedi needs a snack while he's dueling with Darth Vader) and something which I saw and (silently) told myself, "THIS HAS TO GO ON MY WEB SITE!" What was this terrifyingly creepy "Star Wars" candy-slash-toy? The "Jar Jar Binks Monster Mouth Candy Tongue" lollipop. I am not making this up. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, let me explain who Jar Jar Binks is. (I haven't seen it either but I don't need to because I've been exposed to at least nine hours of TV specials about this two-hour movie so I can truthfully say I know more about this movie than the people who wasted their time seeing it when they could have been watching "E!".) Jar Jar Binks is the wacky, wacky, wacky comic sidekick in "Star Wars Episode Eye". How wacky is Jar Jar? Jar Jar is so wacky that even the "Star Wars" fanboys find him creepy. Now, George Lucas has NEVER cheesed up a "Star Wars" movie before by including an annoyingly wacky comic sidekick. There weren't any annoyingly wacky characters in the original movie. Unless you count C-3PO. And R2D2. And Chewbacca. And that mousebot that runs away from Chewbacca. And that target-practice droid that zaps Luke Skywalker in the butt. Okay, well, George Lucas jams his movies with wall-to-wall wacky critters. But Jar Jar is considerably more annoying. Jar Jar is not only silly, he's stupid. He's stupider than a Spice Girl forced to breathe pure xylene for twenty-four hours after having drunk a can of lead paint. And he talks funny. I mean he has wacky broken English (worse than Yoda's) and a grating, squeaky voice. And he has big googly eyes. And he wears flared capri slacks sort of like if Mary Tyler Moore were on "Space: 1999". And he has big floppy ears. And he's extraordinarily clumsy (even compared to that stormtrooper who hit his head on the door in the first movie.) And worst of all, he has a long and disgusting tongue which he refuses to keep anywhere near the vicinity of his mouth despite the fact that everyone else in the "Star Wars" universe is clearly disturbed by the androgynous floppy-eared alien's wet, prehensile erogenous zone. Which brings me to the "Jar Jar Binks Monster Mouth Candy Tongue" lollipop. It's one of those modern rethinkings of the traditional lollipop, i.e. it's a lollipop with some plastic around it to raise the price to more than any human should have to pay for half an ounce of sugar on a stick. You know, these things are usually motorized and light up and talk and stuff. In this case, a large plastic plunger (looking exactly the same as the ones that two-part epoxy comes in) has a big head of Jar Jar Binks on the end. When you ram the plunger home, Jar Jar's mouth opens and his long red tongue protrudes. And you're supposed to lick it. YOU are supposed to lick Jar Jar's tongue. His tongue is artificial cherry flavor. So now you can see why I needed a photo of this for my Web site. Because I know that you're not going to believe my description of this candy -- WHICH REQUIRES THAT LITTLE KIDS FRENCH-KISS THE MOST ANNOYING CREATURE IN THE "STAR WARS" UNIVERSE -- without photographic evidence. Now, because all lollipops taste the same (except for those Mexican ones with all the chili pepper on the outside, which were a bit of a surprise when I discovered them last week, and I think less disgusting than Jar Jar's tongue could be) I figured I didn't need to actually review the flavor of Jar Jar's tongue ("IT TASTES RED! THE END.") therefore I didn't need to buy the stupid candy, because I have better things to waste my money on than "Star Wars" stuff. But this candy store was really small, so that the guy behind the counter could not help seeing my every move. While there's nothing really wrong with snapping photos of stupid stuff, when you do it directly in front of the store staff it can lead to awkward situations. So I will normally wait for a moment when there is nobody around, or I will pick up the consumer item in question and carry it to a secluded spot to snap it, but in this case there was no way to avoid the store clerk seeing (and hearing) me taking a photograph with my noisy digital camera. This is a special problem when you take into account that it was a "Star Wars" item, and thus might lead to being trapped in a conversation with someone who notices that I, like he, is an enormous fan of "Star Wars" and he loves loves loves Jar Jar Binks too and the lollipops taste incredibly yummy and he's seen the movie eighty-seven times and can he have my home phone number? So, to avoid a possible major embarassment at being caught photographing the wares, I decided to just buy one of the damn lollipops. After all, I was buying a bag of blue things anyway. There were no price tags on the Jar Jars (which, oddly, were not in a jar, even though most of the other candy was) but I figured one couldn't cost too much because, hey, it was a lollipop. I noticed that nobody had bought any of them yet. (Will they ever?) So, I took my candy and my Jar Jar Oral Contact On A Stick to the register. They guy looked at my Jar Jar and couldn't find a price tag. He walked over to the rack of Jar Jars and still couldn't find any price tags. He typed the barcode number into his cash register and it didn't know either. (Apparently Jar Jar doesn't actually exist as a consumer product, much like the crowds that supposedly snapped up all the "Star Wars" toys a minute past midnight.) The clerk was reduced to calling headquarters (or possibly just another shop in the chain, or possibly George Lucas) and asking what the SKU for Jar Jar was. Someone told him and he typed in 7708. I now have a receipt which says Item No 7708 STR WRS LIGHT SABER POP 1.00 @ $ 6.99 6.99 T6 ...that's right, I bought a seven-dollar lollipop. A "Star Wars" lollipop. A "Star Wars Episode Eye" lollipop. A JAR JAR FRIGGIN' BINKS lollipop. I HAVE RUINED MY KARMA FOREVER AND NO AMOUNT OF ATONEMENT COULD POSSIBLY CLEANSE MY SOUL. I managed to go all this time having never bought a single "Star Wars" licensed product (except for video games, which don't really count because "Star Wars" SHOULD be a video game) and I had to blow it all by wasting seven dollars on the Jar Jar Saliva-Swapper. Seven dollars. Golly, in my day you could see a MOVIE for seven dollars. Now all you can do is buy a plastic Jar Jar head that you have to suck on after it has been fondled by small children and "Star Wars" fans at the mall. And the worst part is, after I rang it up, the clerk started talking to me about how much he liked Jar Jar and how cool the movie was when he saw it a minute after midnight on the first day of release. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! This has been a true story. -- K. I haven't taken the plastic wrap off Jar Jar's tongue yet... I think maybe I should eat the lollipop with the plastic wrap still on. Incidentally, his tongue is covered with little spikes. I really did like the "green mango and chili" pop from Mexico. Official Abducted Star Wars Review: (Nathan Winant) HORNY NAKED COED BUTT SLUTS As you can imagine, I was thrilled to find that approximately fifteen minutes of hot XXX action had been included halfway through the movie. And, to be fair, it's not bad porn. However, it was a bit softcore for my taste -- very few closeups, only one or two money shots, and fairly tame sexual practices (no hermaphrodites, for example). While it was enjoyable, it seemed a little too middle-of-the-road: something for the adults, sure, but it really loses something when you water it down so as to lessen the shock for young children and cobol programmers. Anyway, I found the addition to be a pleasant surprise, but I really wish Lucas had taken a bit more of a stand in one direction (just some titty shots and heavy petting) or the other (hard-core, barely legal bindings and beatings). That, and the whole Darth Maul makeup job really kinda freaked me out. Official Abducted Announcement: (Jennifer Lynn Larkin) AHEM. I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I, Mr Urc, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare that I am perfectly normal in every way, and quite average in even a few more. Any allegations that I do not live up to the standards of Fraternities and Sororities, stay at home mothers or any Masonic Temples are completely unfounded and in no way based in fact. I listen to classic rock and watch 90210 and I am heartbroken that Melrose Place ends this season. I have not, nor has any manifestation of my person, ever visited New Hampshire, sucked milk from a goat's nipple, or sharpened sharpeis with sheared succulence. I did not have sex with that woman. Because I'm female. And, since I'm female, having sex with that woman would qualify me for abnormal, which I completely am not, even when the definition of normal has been changed to represent the common attributes of cucumbers. This message was prepared by my above-average intellegence lawyers, since I would never know how to correctly use the words "allegations" or "manifestation" in any communication I wrote, including this very sentence. I have no further comment for the press. Thank you and good day. Official Abducted Short Story About Death: (Josh Smith) All of a sudden, Janie felt a cold, prickly touch upon her shoulder. Turning around, she was surprised to see the Grim Reaper- Mr. Death himself. He was almost totally unlike the stereotypical Grim Reaper she'd heard of in popular mythology. Sure, his head was a skull, but it was semi-tastefully painted with an astonishing array of pastels, and he wore an old-fashioned sailor's costume in blue and white. "I come bearing gifts of little pink bunny rabbits," said Death, handing Janie one of the lovable creatures. Janie embraced the cute animal tenderly and exchanged a warm smile with the oft-misunderstood harbinger of doom. She skipped off, clutching the bunny in her arms with more of them trailing behind her. Suddenly, she heard the most hideous noise she'd ever experienced. She turned her head again, only to see the lifeless decapitated body of her favorite billy goat. "Gotcha," said the Grim Reaper. Janie laughed and continued on her way home.