






Bestest Friends Network

Right now on Jerry Springer: Kooking with the Ku Klux Klan, Valentine's 
Klandygrams. "You can boil that darkie chocolate just as long as you want."
  -Jennifer Lynn Larkin

I'm suprised.  I always thought you'd be a Klingon BSDM fetish type of fan.
  -Derek Bradley

  -Jennifer Lynn Larkin

I are a programmuh. I cun tell cuase I'm eating a cup o' ramen in front of a 
  -Jennifer Lynn Larkin

If anybody in here should for some reasons, design an elevator, do not give it 
an escape velocity function that shoots the elevator through the roof. 
Especially don't do that and put the button for it on the main panel between the 
first and second floor. This message brought to you by my nap.
  -Jennifer Lynn Larkin

Something bit me on the back of the leg and now the wound looks like a volcano.
  -Garth Marlin

I am the living planet, Mondo.
  -Garth Marlin

I like my spite with honey and lemon.
  -Chris Wayne

mmm, uncomfortable bulging. Now it's getting good....
  -Chris Wayne

Nothing sexier than the almost unconscious.
  -Chris Wayne

I didn't complain, which he took as consent.
An excellent reason to rape mimes.
-Jennifer 'n Chris But would he eat himself if he was covered with gravy? -Chris Wayne Actually I'm not really the side of the coin. I'm the little serrated bits on the edge. -Garth Marlin Me: Ha HA! I am the Queen of All that I Survey! By the way, what's your favorite color?
Boy: Black.
Me: Ha HA! I am your queen! You answered my survey.
Boy: I-- FUCKER!
-Jennifer Lynn Larkin (bein' sneaky) Garth is twilight, ambivalency, and pork rinds. -Chris Wayne How do you think you could get a cat to wear pants?
I still don't know how they got me to wear pants.
-Nathan 'n Garth I like my Strippers like I like my Skinheads: Shaved and Surly -DJ Fernando (via Jennifer) Careful, people. I now own a voodoo doll. -AllonI Kramer Open Source is another word for Communism. -ghostxxx I want the power to take away people's computers. -Johnston Reesor Yes, my secret is out. Alloni is my hot married Canadian unix sysadmin named Bruce. But his wife and kids have been in Canadia since the beginning of the year and they're filing separation retroactive to Jan. 1st. You should see Alloni's cute little blond kids. -Jennifer Lynn Larkin (it's true) Official Abducted Observations On Farm Life Of The Month: (Nori Essen)

2:35 pm EST, 08 April 2002. Observations of a city girl:

Mastiffs are really, really, really unbelievably enormous dogs.

Virginia mountainsides grow a whole lot of rocks.

Pickaxes should be operated like levers, and at considerable remove from onlookers.

You stand ON the boot wiper when you use it, or it goes shooting away from your foot.

Goats fart while you milk them.

I sunburn in five minutes flat, even in early April.

If you heat a ball of iron in a 350 degree oven, drop it next to your fruit tree and cover the tree in plastic, it keeps the tree from freezing at night even if it's 20 degrees F.

A 2-month-old buck goat will still do his damndest to impregnate does.

Kid goats also like to jump off bales of hay and pretend they're Superman.

When bees do spring cleaning they shove out all the expired workers, so a little pile of dead bees accumulates under the hive. They drown easily, so you should make little inch-deep puddles in garden nooks and crannies rather than providing a bee water dish.

Goat farts smell bad, but not as bad as you might think.

If you play keep-the-ball-away with two dogs who collectively outweigh you by 230 pounds, you become very very unbelievably dirty.

Guinea hens are liable to explode. Official Story That I'm Just Reprinting Because It Still Amuses Me Eight Years Later: (Alloni Kramer) Pigtails

Brian was a little boy who lived in the suburbs with his mommy and daddy. His mommy and daddy both loved him very much, and he loved them very much in return. They all lived together happily for some years.

One day, however, Brian's mommy said to him, "Brian, it's time for you to go to school."

Brian was a very little boy, and had never been to school before. He looked up at his mommy trustingly and said, "What's school like?"

His mommy smiled. "School is a fun place with lots of other little boys and girls there. They teach you the things you need to learn to succeed in life. And there are all sorts of games and activities, and they give you cookies and juice, and it's all just loads of fun!"

Brian smiled back at his mommy. School sounded great! He could hardly wait to go!

The very next day, Brian woke up bright and early and got ready for school. First, he dressed himself, putting on his underwear, shirt, pants, socks, and shoes, though he was so excited that he accidentally put his shoes on first and then tried to put his socks on over them. He laughed when he realized his mistake, and took of fhis shoes so he could put his socks on and then his shoes on over them. Then he went downstairs for a hearty breakfast of cereal and milk and an apple, and then his mommy drove him to school.

Later that day, Brian's mommy picked him up from school and drove him home, and as she drove she chattered merrily to him about what she had done that day. Brian was silent. When they had just gotten inside, his mommy turned to Brian and asked him what he had learned during his first exciting day at school.

Brian looked up at her. "I learned a lot of things.

"I learned that people are mean and cruel and like inflicting needless pain on others. I learned that everyone is trying to get everything they can for themselves no matter who they hurt along the way. I learned that no cookies, no matter how tasty, can compensate for the misery of daily life. I learned that, for most, life is long and indescribably awful, and that the only ones for whom this is not true are the ones who die early. I learned that those who have power over me abuse that power, and those that don't have power attempt to gain it. And I learned that you should never trust anyone, because they all lie to you, even those closest to you."

Brian's mommy smiled. "It sounds like school is definitely teaching you the things you need to know to succeed in life! I'm so proud of you, Brian!"

And together, the two of them went into the kitchen to get more of those delicious cookies. Mmmmmm! Cookies!