








Savory Vanilla

"How _does_ one use this delightful concoction of yours, Dennis?"

"One simply applies it to the back, on the shoulderblades. Not too much, mind, and not too little, and make sure to place it properly. Wear gloves when doing so."

"And it will allow me to fly?"

"Like the very angels, my pet."

"I must have it! I will pay any price for it."

"The pleasure of your company is enough, sweet Marie. This time, I only ask for this, for us to spend the evening together, dining like the old friends we are. And perhaps, to close the evening, a kiss on the hand?"

"For this, I will allow it."

"Dennis! Dennis! How could you do this to me?"

"Marie, darling, what _ever_ is the matter?"

"The wings, Dennis! Those despicable wings of yours. Oh, I followed your instructions. I wore gloves. I applied the ointment in the proper fashion. And now I have these horrible things on my back!"

"Marie! Did the ointment not perform as required? Does it not allow you to soar through the heavens? I did merely what you asked me to do."

"But these wings, Dennis! These foul, accursed wings! Black as pitch, reeking of the odours of brimstone and sulphur. I would be a laughingstock if I was to dare show my face in company!"

"Then this is not satisfactory?"

"No, this is not bloody satisfactory!"

"Language, my sweet."

"How do I remove them? How do I lose these demonic appendages?"

"You didn't ask me that when you first came to me with your charming request. You didn't ask me for a way to remove them."

"But there is a way?"

"Yes. I ask in return for it-"

"RETURN? You prattle on about return when it is you who have done this to me?"

"If you choose not to repay me, I can leave you with them. No? You are silent? Well. I ask in return for this salve that you rub on the wings to remove them merely that you spend the evening dining with me once more, closing with a kiss on the cheek. Is that so bad?"

"Very well. This shall be the end of it."

"What will you ask for this time?"

"Why, Marie? To what could you be referring?"

"Don't play coy with me, Dennis. I understand you now. You fix the problem only to provide another problem that I must come to you to solve. The wings were bad enough but the boils are intolerable. I am prepared to pay your price, but this will be the end of it. Let there be no more of these little scenes. I will buy your potion, or philtre, or wand, or amulet, or whatever it may be. And then we shall part. And if I need return to you for any reason at all my father will have your head. My patience is great, but not limitless."

"Ah, then this is to be the last of our little engagements. Pity, I had planned for at least two or three more of them. I had thought it would take that long for you to catch on. Well, then. To the denoument. It is, as you stated, a potion. Swallow it now, in your tea. The price, afterwards, will be the usual. Dinner, and a kiss on the lips... followed by you spending the night with me."

"You are a fiend."

"I have certain... passions."

"I shall accept it. May it be the last I see of you."

"Dennis! What a delightful surprise!"

"I brought the item you were inquiring after, Elena. May I come in?"