








Ladies and germs

The Allonster is in de HOWSE!

I'm awake! Blood is flowing through my system at a rate of a hundred 'n fifty nautical miles/second, electricity is crackling through my brain powerful enough to stun an otter at a distance of 20 feet, eyes are tracking nicely, thoughts are lining up one by one to be counted and numbered, I'm awake!

Odd feeling. Suddenly wake up in the morning, look around, and say to self, self, I say, self, where were you?

Touring Switzerland. I didn't like the Swiss. They're all such round folk. They look round, they talk round, they go on and on and on and never seem to get to any sort of point. They acted funny. I feared them. So I returned to you bearing gifts. Look! Fudge!

Self lies. It had no fudge. As it is my soul and spark of perspiration, though, it managed to persuade me that it did have fudge, and we shared it and laughed and laughed. Nitrous fudge. New from Designer Imports. Designer Imports: We make fun - of you.

And I came to several conclusions this morning. Firstly, that I should continue to assert my independance from the parts of me that lie below reasoning. They may attempt to do whatever they like. I will resist their subtle and less than subtle urgings unless I don't have a good reason not to. Embarrassment is not a good reason. Neither is but-i-haven't-done-it-before.

Secondly, that I should also continue to write. Scribbling down my dreams in the morning have made me what I am today. Don't ask what that is. That's in thirdly, and we haven't gotten there yet.

Thirdly. Space for rent or lease. Call 1-512-912-8672 for details! Toll free if you can talk the phone company into it!

So I'm doing nicely nicely, thank you, and yourselves?