








Kiss me, you fool, I'm a Thespian

Yeah, yeah, yeah. One appearance on the Tonight Show and he becomes a bigshot movie star. We all know what happened the last time. And his llama willl never recover.

Other phrases that don't apply:

Kiss me, you fool, I'm a lesbian. Though many of you would like him better if he were.

Kiss me, you fool, I'm Prince Caspian. One for all you C.S. Lewis fans out there.

Kiss me, you fool, I'm Mesopotamian. It's better than the alternative.

I was pondering the other day the recent light-travelling-faster-than-light-and-thus-travelling-backwards-in-ti me bit. And the thought that came to mind was, "Think of the transfer speed you could get with something like that!" I'm so spoiled. Utilizing the laws of the universe to get porn faster. Of course, by that time, it wouldn't be porn, it'd be SimSex, with all the senses fully engaged, and life in the outside world would suddenly cease to be. The government would have to institute strict controls to make certain we ate.

I must come up with a good bandname to describe my band. Of course I have a band. This is Austin. Everyone is required by law to be in a minimum of one band, and there's talk of raising the minimum to three. I don't think anything will come of it, though. All the activists, by nature of the beast, are the ones with too much free time, and as soon as they realize that they themselves would be arrested under the law they'll move on to illegalizing beaver fishing or something similarly inane. The Goat Herders? Thomas Alewife and the Doohickies? Cuisinart Flamingo? Or perhaps something historical, like A Million Screaming Children, or Manna From Hell. Suggestive commentary?

And then I need to learn an instrument.

And shave. My beard itches.

My plan for the weekend: Purchase video games. Spend weekend indulging in an orgy of videogamely activities, leaving the apartment only when forced. Profit.

All plans subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited. By viewing these plans, you realize that the observer affects that which it is observed, and it is never possible to know exactly where I am and exactly what I'm doing at the same time. Prophecy is like that.

Enough spouting. Next time: we indulge in a little space travel. Au revoir.