









I have an unnatural tingling noise in my left ear. This is the sign that I should email you. No, wait, it's moving deeper... it has become a headache. Odd. This is one of the first times that I ever felt a headache entering through my left ear. I knew they had to be caused externally.

Multipass. Alloni Dallas Multipass.

I think I'm going to start courting any aardvaarks in the vicinity. Treats and flowers and gifts of anthills, as the anthills are being highly annoying. I think.

I find the whole web experience as very reminiscant of the way I think. I mean, things link to things link to other things, some of them being only remotely connected to the things they connect to, and some not at all. Things leading nowhere. Occasional random bursts of genius and inspiration, and far more common bursts of lunacy and silliness. There's less crap in my thought processes, though. I think. More precisely, I hope.

Haven't been writing you as often recently with lunaticbursts. I'm sorry, baby. I'll do better! I promise! C'mere and gimme a kiss. There. All better? Now go fetch me a beer, woman.

The problem is that I've been in an all my thoughts have already been thought all my lines have already been said I am hopeless I am helpless I am tired mood for a while. I need enlightenment. I can't coast forever. (We will pretend this is true. Otherwise, you won't get no more emails from me. This would be a tragedy of the highest proportions.)

But I still have that headache.