ChangesYay! I'm back! Yay! You missed my frabjous emails. I know you did. Beg. BEG FOR MY EMAILS AND I MAY DEIGN TO GRANT YOUR PRAYERS, PUNY MORTALS.Good begging. Your prayers are answered. New things: I'm poor, but happy. Luckily, poor will change. Unluckily, there's a good possibility of happy changing too. Must retain insanity. Must not devolve once more. Maybe I will move to New Zealand. I'm sure there are computereses there. I have The Cane now. It's the perfect cane. It's strong, black, and pointy, with a nice, heavy, tactile-friendly, good for beating heads in handleball. It was a birthday gift from my genius of a romantic interest. You losers didn't get me anything for my birthday. Certainly not anything this good. I sneer at you collectively. 'Xcept Nathan. Nathan has excuses. Having spent the week in California, I am in a good position to state that California will always be my One True Love, and that I will have to return there every now and again to recharge my batteries. Still, I think I will spurn its affections for now so our eventual final reunion will be all the sweeter when it does come. Life is... odd. I may actually have vast mystical powers. This confuses and disturbs me. Must experiment further. Lightening this morning. And thunder. Impossibly impressive thunder. Thunder which shook the heavens. I fear the wrath of the thunder. Moving. Finally. 'Bout fucking time. There's more, but I'm busy.