








Oh, and another thing

Why is it that I get the sudden, spontaneous urge to use the phrase "And watch the spine-chilling hilarity ensue!"

And yet another thing.

"Oh, so you fear Nothar?" "Zorg fear no man. Nothar is no man. Nothar is wind. Nothar is sky. Nothar mock Zorg to Zorg face. Zorg laugh. Yes, Zorg fear Nothar. But Nothar God. All fear Nothar. Man from East - if you no fear Nothar, me fear you. If you stronger than Nothar, me fight Nothar for you. You stronger than Nothar?" "Yes, Zorg. Nothar does not exist. We are stronger than Nothar." "Than Zorg fight Nothar for you." "Good. Go, Zorg. Go fight Nothar."

"Is he gone?" "Yep. I just persuaded him that we don't believe in and are stronger than Nothar. He'll go fight Nothar, Nothar will destroy him and all his tribe for the insult, and the land will be ours!" "It is good. All hail Nothar." "All hail Nothar."

Every now and again little scraps pop up out of nothing. I feel it is my duty to pass these scraps on to future generations.

I would try to pass these scraps on to past generations, but that could prove difficult. If you suddenly see a collection of "Classic Works by The Unknown But Still Amazing Looni" appear in book stores, and everyone around you remembers The Unknown But Still Amazing Looni as a classic author that everyone respects, you'll know what happened.

Of course, if that happens, I'll probably be looked upon as a guy making bad jokes about and using the same material as The Immortal Unknown, so it would be better just to make sure the life on this planet evolves into a planet of beautiful love slaves to begin with.

Have you ever really thought about Johnny Appleseed? He wandered America, spreading his seed across the land. Isn't that just a tad Fruedian?