









I was looking at the Abducted mailbox. It says that since the end of January I have had 5261 messages from abducted, amounting to over 12 MB.

I'm not sure what this meanss.

12123 K, to be precise. (Oooh! 23!)

I want you to know that i am officially peeved with people who think they know how to program but crank out total garbage that when you're debugging it first needs to be made reasonable and rational before you can even figure out what they did wrong. Not that I am naming names, mostly because none of you would recognize them.

Tired. Saw Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask last night. Haven't seen it in many many many years. Not as good as I remembered. Also Top Secret, which I have seen relatively recently, which was as good as I remembered. The Blockbuster didn't have Buckaroo Banzai. This irritates me. I need to see Buckaroo Banzai.

I did actually get a decent amount of sleep (5-6 hours), but I'm still tired.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleeeeep my baby, la la la, and so on.

"The Scotsman woke to nature's call, and stumbled towards a tree. Behind a bush he lifts his kilt, and gawks at what he sees, And in a startled voice, says to what's before his eyes, 'Och, lad I don't know where you been, but I see you won first prize.' Ring ding diddle iddle ahdio, Ring die diddly ie oh, 'Och, lad I don't know where you been, but I see you won first prize!'"

Wish I couls rememeber the first verse. That's the fourth, I think.

Now I'm just rambling. But since I've pretty much been just rambling since the beginning of this long and aimless post, I think I'm going to just continue to do so. And there's nothing you can do about it! I'll expurgate your dictionaries if you even try! I'll revolutionize your architecture! I'll de-emphasize your doctrine! Your lawn chair will be as furniture before me!

Thalidomide is instrumental in my ancestry, as can plainly be seen.

"At least there weren't any... flipper babies!" "Hahahaha!" "Well... there were... a few.... flipper babies..."

I may go on a factfinding expedition to the depths of my closet. Or maybe not. It makes noises occasionally. Scratchings and rustlings. I think something in there has gained sentience and is trying to gain mobility so it can strangle me in my sleep. Or maybe something with mobility is trying to gain sentience so it can engage in learn-ed discussions with me, I'm not sure.

The Taco Bell Besping is amazingly unstable. If this is how the original Bespin was, no wonder Lando got it so easily.

"Um, I fold. You win the city." "But that's a winning hand!" "It's... against my religion to win card games on alternate Thursdays."

Maybe I can seek political asylum in my roommate's closet. Hers doesn't have a door, so if something is attempting carnage/philosophy, it hides it well.

Learn-ed. Say it. Two syllables. Like fork-ed.

The Word Of The Day for May 27th (my birthday) is yaw: to jerk erratically from side to side while still maintaining a course. I think that accurately describes my life. Except maybe for the maintaining a course bit.

Almost died earlier today, because of the downpouring rain that Nathan loves so much. (Yet another reason for you to love the rain, Nathan!) Well, the rain and the fact that I was going down a cloverleaf onramp to a freeway at 50 mph. Went out of control, came amazingly close to driving over the edge. Actually did go partway over, but stopped in time. Tip of the day: When you're tired, adrenaline wakes you up REAL good.

"It's never too early in the morning for mass genocide." --coworker Jon Roth

Let's see. A list of the movies I have a small part of my brain that wants to see but is ashamed to admit it: Liar Liar Warriors of Virtue (No, I don't know why. Masochism, I suspect.) 5th Elemect

There are probably more. That's the way of such things.

I could go on. So I will.

With this post.

No, I won't. Enough already.