






Exquisite Corpse

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This started as an idea based loosely on Conway's Game Of Life. In this variation, each cell has attributes - Attack and Defense, measured in dice being rolled plus or minus a modifier, and a mutation rate. In every generation, surrounding cells compete for the center cell. Every cell rolls its dice for attack and defense, and then (for sexual reproduction) the two surrounding cells with the highest attack and defense rolls 'breed' by averaging their attributes into the central cell, or (for asexual reproduction), each surrounding cell in turn attempts to spread into the cell by comparing its attack to the defense of the central cell, and copies its traits into it if the attack value is higher. In any case, there's a chance for each cell in each generation to mutate in a variety of ways, gaining or losing in each of its attributes. I then added a number of other special features that seemed neat and here you are.

Which is probably more explanation then you need, but... it's pretty, isn't it?