








A flurry of aphids

The garden was growing well that year. James looked over it approvingly. While there was still some wild growth over on the east side which he was going to have to prune back, on the whole, he was satisfied with its progress. He'd have a fine crop this time. Not like last year's. Shrunken and deformed, the lot of them. It had been his own fault, though. He'd left it alone too long. What with one thing and another, he just hadn't had the time to deal with it. Every now and again, a brief spurt of planting and pruning. He finally had some free time on his hands now, though, and, by george, he was going to whip the garden into shape if he had to rip it up and start over again from scratch.

I seem to be on this god kick. There was the Jesus story, though I can blame that on Nathan, then the Joy drug, and today Aprodite, what was turning into a creation mythos, and this, which is quite clearly going to turn out that James is actually the creator and the world is the garden. I mean, it was obvious. "Shrunken and deformed" indeed. Probably implying world war iii, or something.

Ick. My eyes hurt and I'm tired. But I'm going to keep typing. Never give up, that's my motto. No. No, it isn't. I really don't have a motto, and if I did, that probably wouldn't be it. Tired. Note to self: next time, start earlier, and no midtime delays, as that just gets you into tiredtime, which is an excuse to call the thing off early. A moment. Shoe removal, face washing, caffeine. In that order.

Having returned. Being and nothingness. Allergies acting up. I'll allow myself to just sit here and complain, as long as I do it via writing. The goal being to write, after all. I just flew in from the coast, and boy are my arms tired? Well? Answer me! Are they tired, boy? Are they? Good boy. That's the answer I wanted to hear. There's a good boy.

Aphids. Aphids is the topic under discussion. Aphids. Approaches:

Abandon topic entirely. Move on to different topic. That being the tale of which topic to select next, probably.

Twist topic. Aphid McFlurry. Flurrier transform. flurry(aphid). See how well it'll parse in perl. Easy. Anything will parse in perl. Add a few comments here and there, and you'll have authored a web browser. Perlbased, no less. Wow. I am thrilled and impressed, I am also still tired. And my eyes still hurt.

Oh. Yeah. Cat allergies. Right.

Anyhow. Use the topic itself. From the aphid's point of view, if nothing else presents itself. Make it a whole ants thing. Or not, considering the ant/aphid relationship. Good luck!

I want to be asleep now I am asleep now I am waiting for you you are waiting for mee. That is all right. Don't wowworru about it. Don''t cry, ma'am. I't's nowwwww goodfoooooooor the the the I really am falling asplle IK

The world is so mucch easier whtn you're asleep.

Caffeine doing no good nothing doing good being sleepy want sleep will get sleep sometime.

Note to self: when life hands you lemons, make lemon curry.

This is salvagable. Just make up something on the spot.

Please, skip over the preceeding incoherent mutterings. They will have done you no good at all to read.