








Captain Garlic!

Gabrial Gardener, mild-mannered produce clerk in a major metropolitan city, was bitten by a genetically engineered radioactive pesticide-free clove of garlic, and now, when he rubs a clove of garlic on the soles of his feet, becomes... CAPTAIN GARLIC! Defender of liberty!

We return to Captain Garlic as he struggles vainly in the grasp of Mystic Pizza's henchmen, New York and Chicago.

"You'll never get away with this! The people of the city will stop you from... um, what are you trying to get away with, anyway?"

"Oh, that's right, I need to do some expository gloating. Ahem. With the Secret Sauce of the Ancients and all that dough I got from the bank robbery, I'll be able to use the vegetables and animals from the city zoo - famed for the quality of its herb gardens - to make... THE BIGGEST PIZZA THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!"

"You fiend! No, wait. That doesn't seem so bad. What toppings will it have?"

"I was thinking a supreme. No anchovies."

"Oh, that's all right... WAIT! What about mushrooms?"

"Of course it'll have mushrooms! What good is a pizza without mushrooms?"

"YOU FIEND! I hate mushrooms!"

"You can just pick them off. Baby."

And so Captain Garlic was seduced to the cause of EVIL!

Tasty pizza, though.

Blame my leftovers.