








Fantabulous flying fricasseed thoughtses

How to create an Alloni meme.

1) Take a thought. Of any kind, really. A simple noun will do. If you want to get more complicated, use a short phrase, idea, or sentence. If you have more than that, you pretty much have a complete meme anyway, and you don't need my assistance.

For this example, we'll use Saran Wrap.

2) Repeat 1.

For this example, Snoop Doggy Dog food. (This being the output of the Alloni meme process already. You can do this. No one will sue. Unless you have money. By the way, this entire process is copyright ME. My copyright. Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine all mine. 1998 it is, now.)

3) Take your two thoughts and meld them together in some fashion. It can be simply by saying one right after the other, or by seeing some sort of obscure, twisted connection between them, or by sheer force. Ideally, the act of doing so should squeeze out some complete thought, which will lead to more thoughts, and you're on your way.

Example: Snoop Doggy Dog food covered in Saran Wrap. Maybe Snoop Doggy Dog eats Saran Wrap. Maybe one large Saran Wrap monster (or a bunch of little Saran Wrap monsters, whichever) sneak up on SDD while he's sitting at the table, his face buried in his bowl, and wrestle him to the ground, tie him up with bits of their own substance, gag him, and carry him off to be replicated at the secret SW labs, and at his next performance, he looks strangely clear and crinkly, but no one notices, and his new rap is called Saran Wrap On My Soul. And slowly the infestation spreads.

4) If the new, convoluted meme doesn't quite satisfy you, you can add more thoughts on to it, or dissassemble it and start again. If it does, you can leave it alone, or use it as a seed to continue from. Here at the Tesla Labs, creativity is a constant creative process. We use handcrafted memes to provide you with the most incredible viewing process available. Our Indonesian children are poorer and hungrier than Nike's Indonesian children. We work them like the worthless slime they are, all for you. It's for you, don't you understand that? Sure, we make enough money from it that we can afford to buy any three states, but that's just a sideline. We just do it because we love you, and because we want you to love us. And you do love us. We know the restraining order you got is just to make yourselves seem hard to get, so when we actually are holding you in our arms, it will seem all the sweeter. We know the fact you've signed onto the Federal Witness Protection Program is just because of all those other stalkers (sick, demented people wanting you for all their own, when they should know, you belong to us) out there, and the clues you've been leaving behind you by, for example, letting that "boyfriend" of yours know where you are so we could capture and torture him until he talked, are your way of showing you really care. We know you care. We know. And soon, very soon, you'll know too.

See how easy it is?

If this complete course doesn't work for you, simply let us know, and we'll give you a complete refund. We're hiding up in the tree outside your window.