








Chaos Lecture

There are a few things about chaos that we need to get straight. Firstly. Saying chaos worship is a mistake. We aren't really worshipping chaos, any more than uptight, anal retentive, by-the-book, controlled, rigid people actually worship order. It's more of a belief. We believe in chaos.

And we don't even believe in true chaos, either. We can't comprehend true chaos. The best we can do is to impose our semi-ordered vision on a constantly shifting impossibility. We believe in ordered systems, yes.

Simply different ones. Changing ones. New worldviews, new beliefs, having a different vision yesterday than today.

Secondly. I just want to drive home that the beliefs most people hold true around here aren't universal. Look. Think of our solar system. This huge mass of empty space. Zoom in on Jupiter. A big planet. A hundred earths could fit inside and never be felt. (At this point, the surroundings faded away, and we were in empty space.) Now let's shrink down Jupiter to the size of a basketball. (At this point, Jupiter shrank to a beautifully detailed basketball, which I dribbled.) Now. With Jupiter the size of a basketball, and Earth a pea, and everything else shrunk comparitively. Travel out, oh, let's say 5 light years. A distance so vast it even takes light itself 5 years to travel across it. You're still going to find stars, and planets, and galazies. Different ones. Strange ones. Ones that we may never even be able to begin to conceive of the rules they operate under. We are a speck in the cosmos.