








Movie Conspiracy Theory

You know, I saw Phantom Menace fairly recently. And I was just thinking. Wouldn't it be ironic if the big hero from the first film became a great force for evil in a sequel? I mean, we could even have a movie or two in between, showing the kid hero doing herolike things, and maybe even getting married and having kids, but then he gets in a bad mood one day and decides to be evil for a change, decides he likes it, and stays with it.

And his son could be good the next time, and defeat him, maybe even turning him back to good before he dies.

Best of all, then you could have the son get married, have kids, try out evil on his own, decide _he_ likes it, and that's how this family line goes along. The kid wasn't a virgin birth - his mother just says that so she doesn't have to tell him his father turned to evil.

And it turns out he's descended from Hitler, who at the last moment actually killed himself because _his_ son, Fidel Castro, told him he shouldn't be evil.

One day, galactic scholars will realize that this lineage of great and powerful people all turn out to do more evil in the end than they did good, and some Jedi will kill the latest evil guy's son while he's young and innocent and heroic, and the universe will be safe again, once the latest evil guy gets run over by a pickup truck because he's evil.

I bet there'll be big celebrations on Coruscant that day!

Thank you for taking a moment to listen to me as I drool mindlessly.