








Wow. I really am crazy

The computer screen is scrolling at me. Out of the corner of my eye. But I haven't told it to do anything. And it hasn't changed when I look at it. It's a virus. I know it is. Mine or the computer's has yet to be determined. Or maybe an intergalactic overlord. Intergalactic overload? Same thing. All viruses. Humanity is a virus. I had a nice talk with my halfbrother yesterday. He doesn't support NASA. He supports the ending of 95% of human life instead, and the institution of strict zero population growth controls. I do too, in principle, I just don't think it's achievable without suffering to those of us left around. Of course we'll still be around. Unless we're being bred for obedience, that is. Could be. Explains the intergalatic overlord thingie. I just want all you watchers to know that I support any intergalactic overlords, and they should make me their second in command, where I will abuse my power and never get out of hand and attempt to assassinate the current overlord and take his place, like the last 5 did, and like the current i.o. got the job from his boss. No, I'm loyal. And lazy. I prefer to be the power beind and to the left of the throne. Less visible. More hopeless cringing lackey. Still, I'd be hopeless cringing lackey to the best, that's the thing. And have legions of my own hopeless cringing lackeys. That can be you.

It went blank now. The screen. It has definitely been taken over by some malignant force. SOme of you might claim it's just the screen saver, but I know The Truth, which is why I try not to think about it. Really, the only difference 'tween fate and free will is knowledge. As long as I don't know my actions are predestined, does it really matter whether or not I have free will? I think I do, that's the important thing. And my actions are only predestined to someone who knows that, and to be real predestiny, they'd have to know their own actions and how they'd affect my actions, thus taking all choice out of their existances and making them hopeless pawns of the universe. I'll stick with free will, it's more obnoxious.

10 Tips On STRANGER DANGER. I got that. By a nice guy trying to get me to give money to missing kids research. Like dropping shampoo in their eyes, shaving off patches of skin and stikcing deodorants on, the usual. Drugs testing. I think I will not get stoned today. Not unless I somehow get the opportunity, that is. Luckily, I have just the method. I need to get high on life. I'm good at it. I've done it before. Recently. Running around frightening the help and the helpless. Kicking boots out into street. Singing. Loudly. Flowing. I need to flow. I am an amoeba. I just need to realize that factoid. Realize the amoeba within. Practice.

Still blank. Still scrolling. Still i.o. controlled. Will become mindless zombie now. 'scuse me.