








Exponential notation

Having heard the locomotive, the motion is carried.

(That was just my way of tipping you off that this email will be longramblingandmakenosense. As opposed to my occasional short nonrambling to the point messages. There is no point. There is only Zuul.)

I need a theme song. I'll arrive at work every morning, the theme song will play, and people will pop out of their offices to say hi in the same order every week. It'll be a hit new sitcom from nbc. It'll be boring and predictable. Well, in that wacky laughtrack sort of way. Any of you good theme song composers? Senor Hale, I believe this is your department.

I like my friends. Got back from vacationing to find a package from CA with my birthday present. They sent me Hell in a Handbasket. They took a basket, filled it with red and black playdough, and stuck various evil figures in it - Darth Maul, Bill Gates, Pokemon, and so forth. I really like my friends.

Saw Mission Impossible 2 this weekend, among other things. Capsule review: eye candy. Totally unsubtle, moments of sheer idiocy, annoyingly heavy-handed symbolism and _way_ too much bits of slowmo for no real reason. But it's kinda purty, if you like that kind of thing.

Your turn.