








I feel old

No, I don't feel old in that look-at-that-kid-over-there-he-must-be-under-18 sort of way. I feel old in that i'm-suffering-random-spontaneous-annoying-pains-and-aches-and-am-const antly-tired sort of way. However, I shall make the attempt to be amusing at you. For I have made a Commitment! To Quality!

I went to sleep somewhere between 10 and 4 last night. Can't really be more specific, as I drifted in and out of consciousness. Heard bitter dj. Am itchy. Want sleep. Sleep good.

Maybe today I won't be amusing. Maybe I'll just stay here and drink all of Bob's beer. Or maybe, when Bob's wife comes home, I'll take her out dancing. Yeah, that's it! Dancing! I'm gonna go home and get changed.

YES GODDAMMIT QUOTING RANDOM SONGS ARE AMUSING. Now sit back and be amused by my ready wit. Otherwise, I'll have to bring out Mr. Sock Puppet. And no one wants to see Mr. Sock Puppet. Mr. Sock Puppet Makes People Sad. He's just that way, is Mr. Sock Puppet.

I am failing to amuse. I must commit seppuku in some horrible fashion.