









The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker The twirler, the taker, the lemon-cheese faker

I'm off again. Off on off on my merry way. Gummerry. I have a half an hourglass on my desk. I will try to keep it from pouring out. Death. Death is my dashboard saint. And when he is before me, I fear him not behind.

My heart! My heart! Be still, my heart! Everything right is wrong again. I'm just trying to get it out of the way. I think I may still yet therefore have to become a nun. It'll be big fun. Big family fun. Catholic family fun. With laughs and grins and people spitting on people shorter than they. Mock them. Mock the short, for they tend not to be as tall as the rest of us.

I probably should be packing. In fact, I probably am packing. Even as we speak. Speak the speech trippingly from the tongue. And then tongue leads me off on trails of thought that I'm trying to ignore, darnit. I wanna be sedated.

Click. Things leading into back through and around other things. A sweater is born. Soylent sweaters are made from people! From people! Well, odd thoughts clicking as they smack into eachother, giving birth to a new kind of high. A natural high. The high that comes from falling a great distance. My hat is glaring at me again.

I need a beanie propeller hat, though. I mean, a cane would be nice, but I need a beanie propeller hat. People could tell me mood by my hat. "Oh. You're wearing all black and have your tophat. You feel dark and brooding." And then I could paint the beanie hat black and just confuse everyone.

I did have a brilliant idea. I need a link on my home page, saying "Give Alloni money! Click here to learn how!" And the link would lead to a credit card transaction server, allowing random strangers to show their pity for me by giving me money. People could use it to pay my paychecks with. It would be brilliant. I'd be a millionaire in a week, if only a million people visited the page and gave a dollar apiece, and I'm sure that would be the minimum donation.

I'm making more sense now. I must leave you before I start speaking of stocks, annuities, and capital gains.

Few people really know the loopholes in capital gains tax law NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo........