








If you can read this, you're driving too close

Your driving to close.


Since I continue to write WITHOUT GETTING A RESPONSE (sniff. sniff. sob. sniff.) (Okay, I know you respond, Cheri. I meant response from important people, i.e. AJ.) (It was a joke. A joke! Please stop crying, Cheri. I didn't mean it. Want to borrow a handkerchief? Maybe a tuna? I don't know, just thought you might want one. Either of you want to borrow a tuna? How about a halibut? Well, that's just too bad, because I DON'T HAVE ANY HALIBUT. I don't even have any tuna. I was just aunting you mercilessly. Mercilessly! I am without mercy. I am cold and unfeeling. I have lots of sugar in my bloodstream. I am also listening to Wierd Al. All in all, a good setup for disaster.) (Yes, I actually remembered that I was in a parenthesis. I am so proud of me.) (Now, what was the sentence I interrupted to bring you this string of characters? Oh yes. Just a second.) I will... damn. With all them parentheses, I lost my train of thought. It just rolled off into the sunset, me chasing vainly after it, pulling farther and farther away, until finally I stop, exhausted, as a passenger leans out the back, laughing evilly. Metaphorically. Probably waving a metaphorical handkerchief too. Maybe mocking me metaphorically. I hate them all. From now on I will eliminate all metaphors from my speech. All of them. I will turn them all into similies. It's like the old fable with the fox and the grapes. (Like - the sign of a similie.) Or maybe it isn't. I'm not exactly a good judge - I've just turned my back on a whole section of linguistic endeavor. Sure, I had reason, but was my step fully justified? I think not. I have reconsidered. Come back, metaphors! Come back!

Thank god. It was all a dream. I still live in a world of metaphor, similie, analogy, and plagiarism.

Did I have a point to make?

Probably not, considering.

Considering what, I couldn't tell you.

Been reading. Been reading The Infinity Concerto and The Serpent Mage by Greg Bear. One of the few series I have rea over and over and over and over and over. It's good, but... I don't know why it draws me so. I tried other stuff by him (Blood Music, for example, which was ookie) and didn't really get into it. Wierd.


Let me know if I still exist, would you?