








Saran wrap

I feel vaguely drained. We will all cope.

Ladies and gentlemen. I'd like you to all be introduced one to another. We have... A New Convert.


Corgi being the female in Florida copying Wizard of Speed & Time. I decided to add her to the list. She seems to fit the criteria (i.e. she finds my email entertaining, so she will of course find recieving around 1-10 messages a day from me even more entertaining.)

Corgi, some night you may be abducted by a group of people in paisley hoods. Go with them. Do not resist. If one of them says to you, "As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit from the brown bottle in my shaving kit." you are to respond with, "No. As the Wiccans say, hell with this, let's go bowling."

Not that it will be quick. We haven't even completed a single Ritual Initiation since the idea was thought of. (And I was proud of the idea, too.)

No, we don't bowl.

It's a password.

Like big secret spy stuff. All very thrilling and juvenile, I'm sure, but does it prepare you for life in the real world?

No, of course not. That's the point.

So, the members of this secretive cult consist of:

Cheri: Female. Redheaded. (This so you can pick her out of a crowd.) Cheri is prone to occasional fits of ":P" ness, but we let her live. Cheri used to be my roommate, and for some reason, she tends to think of me an a totally asexual way. This confoozles and entertains me, and means that while sex jokes from other people she laughs off, sex jokes from me cause her to blush and giggle helplessly. Or at least they used to - I've been desensitizing her, unfortunately, since I found out about this. I've limited myself to two sex jokes around her per day.

Brian: Male. Dark brown haired. I think. (Don't hold it against me if I got it wrong. I don't remember my own hair color unless I look at it.) Brian is Cheri's boyfriend, and the two of them are sometimes referred to as a unit as either Cherian or Briery, though Cherian is preferred. Brian himself is an entertaining hooman bean. Apologizes too much.

AJ: Female. Dark haired. AJ and Cherian are... having issues. But, since, I like both groups individually, I am attempting to not only not get in the middle, but not bring it up at all. This may well be impossible, but I make the attempt.

Rachel: Also female. Lighter brown hair. (Lighter than the rest of us, anyway.) Rachel being the newest member 'sides yerself, since only recently has this little collective started sending out psuedopods across the world. She sees a computer once a blue moon, and, as such, almost never gets back to us. When we think about this fact, we break down in to helpless tears. We try not to think about it.

Alloni: Male. Dark hair. I think. (Don't hold it against me if I got it wrong. I don't remember my own hair color unless I look at it.) Alloni would be the High Muckety Muck if this conglomerate were any more organized than me one day saying, you know, I'll start sending my friends random emails under the name Wierdos. Also known as Pierre DuBois, Phyllis (though Phyllis is shorter and wears platform shoes to make up for it), The Mazing Looni, Lenny the Lizard, and a variety of others.

Corgi: Female. Yellow hair with black leopard spots. (I assume.) We all know who you are. We all know where you live. We all know about that incident with the shoehorn. And you thought no one knew about that.

Happy day!